@Star0 said:
Bruce Campbell is a sell-out. After the reboot sucked ass like I predicted it would, I don't want to see anything related to Evil Dead. The franchise was dead long before dawn.
To be honest, the franchise was always kind of shit. I realize that people like it, but I have a hard time seeing how people get so emotional about it. It's not exactly The Godfather. It's just entertaining shit, and always has been right from the start. Like, Campbell is a sell-out? Really? So what if his continued involvement is due to a desire for more money? Do you think that ANYONE involved in the first movie thought that it was going to be enlightening or transcendent? Were there any lessons they were hoping to teach, or anything meaningful to say, or anything to possibly benefit humanity? No, it was just a dumbass cheap horror movie. While there's nothing wrong with that, stop making the movie out to be something that it's not. It was just entertaining shit, and nothing more. If the people involved in actually making it think it's okay to shit all over it, then I'm not gonna disagree. Aside from "I guess that was a kind of entertaining 90 minutes", I literally don't see anything in that movie that is so valuable that it's worth getting angry over.
But hey, that's just me.
So let me ask you. What do YOU see in the first Evil Dead movie, and why is it so important that the people involved in making it don't sell out? Can you please explain to me what's so significant about The Evil Dead? Can you explain to me what's so sacred about it that it's worth getting angry about the creators ruining it? Because seriously, I'm not seeing it.
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