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3 years At GAMESPOT!!!!!

Well on the 27th it will be anyway........ But wow 3 years is a long time to be coming to one website almost everyday. Ive accomplished alot in those 3 years, such as being level 35(maybe 36 soon), I have over 3300 posts, and 16 emblems!

I don't know if I'll be able to go another 3 years though. I'm a junior in highschool now so I only have the rest of this school year and one more of being a kid. Time just flies by! Ive met some really cool people on this site and I hope to keep in touch with them.

Well I'm done for now. Ill probably post again after christmas. Oh and I still work at Dairy Queen.

New Game

Bought a new game today FEAR. Got it at K-mart for $30. Ill let you know how it is after I finish it.

MGS4 Completed!

Thats right I have finished IT! (3 times now lol) I have to say this is the best game I have ever played. It is a fantastic game that eveyone should play. If you were confused by the story, it does a great job of clearing up all loose ends and finishing up the saga of Solid Snake. I wont go into the story at all, you have to play it to truly apreciate it. The last game I enjoyed this much was MGS3 and I beat it 7 times(safe to say I may play MGS4 more than that)

In other news I now work the night shift at Dairy Queen. I work from 5pm to about 12 midnight. Its not the hardest job in the world, the hours just kinda suck. With the money I plan on buying a new HDD for my ps3, tinted windows for my car(05 dodge neon), and the rest will go to the bank, and gas and insurance for the car. I may treat myself with something every now and then:P . Well thats it for me. Later.

MGS4 I Got IT!!!

I just got MGS4!!! I went to the Midnight release at EBgames! It was probably the most nerdy experience of my life lol. Well ill get back you later, Im gonna play some more MGS4!!!!!

MGS4 Midnight Release!!!

Well I called my ebgames today and they have told me that they will be holding a midnight release for MGS4! I will try to attend, working at Dairy Queen may hold me back though :( . If I do go Ill try to get some pictures and post them on here for you guys! The two year wait is coming to an end!

In other news...........Im working at Dairy Queen lol.

Metal Gear Solid 4 in June!?

Yes its all over the GS forums and even on the front page today. But could it be true? This is still a rumor. But it is confirmed that MGS4 will be bundled with the 80GB ps3 with the Dualshock 3.

It has also been cofirmed that the Dualshock 3 will be available in the U.S. in April. I will be picking one up. Now we just need a home release date and an actual confirmed release date for MGS4 by konami.

DMC4 I beat IT!!!! (no big spoilers)

Well Ive just beaten DMC4, one of the reasons I bought a ps3(now I just need MGS4), and I have to say the gameplay is great, but the story is just weak.

I was not impressed with the new characters or story at all. Even my favorite re-occuring characters didnt do anything special, just a disapointment. I won't go too into detail because of spoilers. But this story doesnt even come close to DMC3 in character development and the over all just sucking you in.

However, the action and gameplay more than make up for than the lack luster story. Playing as Dante just feels so great, Nero was good too, just not as bad ass as dante. You will want to play through it a couple of time to un-lock all the combos and special abilities.

All in all a must buy for fans of the DMC series. But if you arent a fan and havent played any of the other games you will have no idea whats going on! The story doesnt go into a lot of detail, you may be asking yourself who is Dante? Trish? Lady? Sparda? You almost never see trish and lady, it almost makes them un-needed.

If you have any questions please ask and I will be more than happy to answer them here.