@cboye18: Yes, it definitely will come out before episode 8, but will the game be finished? The game is already being worked on so that is a good sign.
But they just rushed a star wars game to meet the release date of Episode 7, and an EA exec just said that they had to compromise content to meet that date. That is extremely unethical and a horrible practice for gaming in general. Release a finished product if you are going to charge full price.
They should have charged $30 for this game new, with $30 dlc. The game now with all the DLC is what we should have gotten when it released. I'm glad I waited for the game to be $30 and got the season pass for $35 when it went on sale.
Straight from an EA exec himself. They rushed the first game to release alongside the movie to generate more sales on hype. They knowingly released an unfinished game and charged for it.
Even if the next one is good, I'm not buying it until it hits the bargain bin.
@catsimboy: They make enough Amiibos, you just live in the US where there are artificial shortages. Other countries don't have that problem. It's just a ploy to increase demand to get people to buy.
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