In this game you pick a video game player and you do somting like this ______ Versus ______ And then the next person will say who would win and then it repeats its self.Solid snake versus Commander chief
1.Do you like open world games 4. Do you like lots of in game videos A.Yes B.No C.Kind Of A.Yes B.No C. Kinda2.Which is better 5.Which is betterA.1st person B.3rd person A. Medevil B.Futuristic 3. Which is better 6. Which is betterA.Oblivion B.Assassins creed A. Xbox 360 B.Pc C.PS3
What is your top 5 movies you want to become video games.1.I am Legend2.The Dark Knight3.Rambo4.Traitor5.Independance Day
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