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I got my DS (finally)!!! Unfortunatley I have to let it charge for another 2 1/2 hours...oh well, I have some homework to do so I'm working on that. Maybe if I finish up and only have 1 hour left I'll just take it off the charger, it shouldn't matter too much. I played my SP during the first charge and it's doing fine.


I've gone all over the place and still nowhere has a DS demo! I might actually have to wait until Sunday to play it! Where's the fun in that?

DS vs. PSP

Seven more days! Now, for my reasons as to why DS is better the PSP...

More games original games vs. Many games are repeats of PS2 games
$150 vs. $185
November 21 vs. December 12
Dual Screens vs. One Screen
Microphone vs. None
More Portable vs. Larger
Touch Screen vs. None
~$35 games vs. ~$50 games
Longer Bat. Life vs. 2-4 hours
More Pre-orders vs. Unavaliable
Over 100 3rd party developers vs. only 99
In-store demos aval. now vs. not in stores yet

I'm sure there are more reasons, but that's all that I can think of at the moment...if you weren't convinced, are you now?


None of the nearby stores have a DS demo...only one more week to go! But I still need to get a ride to reserve The Urbz...I think that should last me until Christmas...
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