What other choice would their have been? LOL at the insane amount of s*** people would say just to blame America. I also like how no one replied to the two good posts and just overlooked them in this thread. Guess when you know you lost the argument, ignore that post and argue with someone else.MikadoNYI on the other hand, can't believe the lengths some people will go to just to defend the country they are from even when it's blatantly obvious they're wrong. I'm not talking just about Americans, i'm talking about everyone everywhere. Most of the users here are Americans i guess, so that's one reason why people here try so hard to make the US look like the good guys EVERY SINGLE TIME!
But, visit some other forums, French, Russian, Serbian, Italian etc etc, you'll see people defending their countries and blaming others even when it's so goddamn obvious their country is not guilt free.
Stupid patriotism and nationalism brainwashed (almost) everyone... :(
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