Fools that pirate games, are killing gaming. Think of it, you can have all you want but it's best to work for it. Downloading and pirating games only discourages those developers, how can they make money when everyone is downloading their work for free? Plus pirating games is a good way to get viruses, and the more people that do it, the less gaming on the PC and other consoles will probably be made.
I'd really have to go with The Godfather II, but Company of Heroes Tales of Valor is something you should get for a 2nd game, it didn't have much added to it but it's fun and some new units!
I will try to run it in compatibility mode if thats what you mean. I'll let you know if it works or not! Thanks, I don't know why I didn't even think of it in the first place!
Thanks for the link, but it does not work. I do have Doom 3 1.0 though. You think you know why there is an error? My PC suceeds all specs for every game I got so its not that.
Yeah yeah I know Doom 3 is a bit old and all but many people still play it. I am wondering if there is a mod or something that enables captions/subtitles to the game. As most of you know, I am completely deaf in my right ear and legally deaf (still have some hearing) in my left. Having subtitles in all games would be really nice, I hope there are some modders out there who could addsubtitles to games that don't have them. Also, subtitles aren't just for deaf gamers, it's also for good hearing people too. I mean, who is actually going to be happy playing a game when they don't understand what the people are saying or understand the story at all?
If you know any mods or something that adds subtitles to Doom 3 please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated!
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