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Steven21392 Blog

sorry i havent been on lately

hey whats up as yall can tell i wasnt on that much latly b/c of my teachers espcally my crazy one. well i wont be on much today since i will be going to amnesiacs house in a little while when my dad finishes my lunch and its been awhile since i seen or herd from amnesiac but i will find out whats she been up to lately.

p.s. my grandparents got a gold toyota tacoma yesterday and its a nice drive i should know o drove it a few times. and plus i think my grandma shouldnt be driving since she almost it a lot of trees and mail boxes

my favorite song with naruto

this is my favortie song with a clip from one of the episodes when naruto and sasuke fights this song goes perfectly with this clip so and the song is sad but a really really good song so thats why i like it mostly because its about friendship

im lucky

hey u guys how have y'all been i've got lucky today because i was pulling a trailer that is suppose to be hitched on a truck but i put it on my riding lawn mower. while i was driving the mower down a small hill by my grandmas house with the trailer about half way filled with wood (for a fire for my friends birthday party on the 24th of this month) and i was holding on to the trailer so it wont hit the mower the thing that u hitch it on forcefully pushed my hand into the back right tire of the lawn mower and it really hurts like crap but im all right and fine just my thumb is a little sore when i move it but im fine

i even accadentally stab my self in my left wrist with the tip of somewhat sharp machede but im still fing it didnt go deep

talk to y'all later

more cosplays and songs of naruto

found some more good cosplays and songs for naruto so injoy

to naruto lovers

hey whats up y'all these are some naruto cosplay and stuff that i like and hope you will injoy it i know i did hope y'all like it this is the only way i know how to put the things up but there really good


i think im coming down with something. for the past day and a half ive been feeling sick. ive been coffing kind of hard. been having couple of headaches stomach been upset havent been as hungery lately been getting a little extra energy but been feeling relax at school which that really usally never happens unless it is the last day of school or the day or the day before a vacation from school. i really havent been getting a really good night sleep since sunday night ny friends has been getting something. ive taken some medicine this morning and all that did was clear my nose

late start

finally i get a late start tommorow so i dont have to be at school by 8:15 so i got to be there at 10:15 now and i love when w get to do that.


sorry i havent been on the computer alot like i wanted to. my teachers keeps giving and giving and giving especally my english teacher. she is crazy crazier than amnesiac. she even took kick boxing. she is cool and funny but crazy. it is very hot in her class if it got a couple of degresses i would be sweating lbs off and im not lying.


hey y'all i just got done watching naruto ninja clash in the land of snow movie and it was really good i cant wait to watch it on tv this coming up saturday in english. its a really good movie to watch i love naruto i already know 4 jutsus from the shows i know a 5th one but i forgot it so im going to look over it again so i can do it agian.

first 3 days of school

hey y'all i went back to school the past wensday and i go back tommorow everything has been going great got friends in couple of my classes and have 2 of my friends ride the bus with me which us 3 live on the same road nobody and i mean nobody lives close to us at our bus stop except one of my friends friend that lives about 3 minutes away from going through the woods that i have even so i got homework all the time i have a slight chance of getting on gamespot of course what sucks is which my dad just had to have a dog so friday penny (name of the dog and no its not a girl) followed me and my friends up the road so me and william chased penny around and then i knew penny would follow me so i ran down the road just past amnesiacs house my dad backed up and drove back down to my house with penny right behind him and tied penny up.

p.s. dont be afriad to post comments