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StevenHawking Blog

Check The Reiviews...

Well, if you could, could y'all check out my reviews?  I want some feedback as how I'm progressing in improving on reviews, and just agree if you do, and etc.

Made a new Banner....W

How do you guys like my new profile??? I know I need to fix it just a tad.... but for the most part, it's done.

UPDATE: Well I messed with the Banner, but it still needs work, the completely final one should be up soon... it'll look pretty much the same though...

Today, a Dabbler AND OLD SCHOOOOOL!!!

Well, it only took me a day to earn two new positions!  I'm now an Old-schooler, and a tagger Dabbler!! (Even though I think tagger flirt is cooler...)

       Soon I shall have some more super cool awards!!!


My Top 10 Games/series for all time.

1. Half life Series (including CS etc.)

2. Metal Gear Solid Series (also includes Ac!ds... yes, it does.)

3. Katamari Damacy series

4. Doom Series

5. God of War

6. Ratchet and Clank Series

7. Jak and Daxter Series

8. Megaman series

9. Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube one.)

10. Quake Series

    Over time this will most probably change, but this is just what I think are my personal favorite games and series.

Now a Flirt!

ooo, a new award! I'm now a tagger flirt! Doesn't sound too impressive, but I'm proud!!! :D



Only just saw the E3 schwag give-away video.  Pure Genius.  Wonderful Piece of sattire, and if you wanna dl it just search Schwag Giveaway... and voila! you can dl it and keep this awesome video forever haha... but, I don't think this one beats out the FFXII potion video....

End of the School Year

Well, it's getting to be the end of the school year, so I'm gonna be fairly busy wokin' on other stuff. PLZ try not to send me messages complainin' about inactivity in unions, I'll be active in about a week, after final exams and SAT IIs... Until then, I'm gonna be workin' my ass off.

NOTE: I am now out of school.  I can now resume my gamespotting habit (when I'm not gaming 8))

Finally, a connoisseur

Recently I finally achieved the connoisseur status. That made me happy. Just thought I'd write it in my blog.  Oh yeah, and I may have lvl 8 tomorrow too, woopee... I really want to join plus, but I have to wait 'till I can get myself a credit card...

CAUTION: Fragile

Have any of you people noticed how fragile controllers are, especially the PS2 controllers? Well with my Xbox I used to get really annoyed, I think I broke about 4 controllers in the time I had it... But with the PS2.... I think I've gone through about 5 or 6 in like two years.... I think sony fails to realize that people like me, and I know I'm not the only one, because I know of one other friend of mine who has also gone through many PS2 controllers, that people will be frustrated, and what do ignorant frustrated gamers of the US do? they throw the controller. However, I must say this: Gamecube did something amazing. I've had it since it first came out, and I still have yet to do anything to one of those controllers. In fact, I don't think any Nintendo system I've ever done that with a controller. Hm... Well, whatever Nintendo's doing I think Microsoft and most certainly Sony should look into it... I'm not too particularly worried about the PS3 controller, it's boomerang-esque enough that if I throw it, I think it'll return to me. The Wii(from now on Revolution), shouldn't be too much of a problem (it's Nintendo after all), and the 360... well I'm not gettin' that for a while, so I'm not exactly thinkin' about it right now...

Curse that low rating!!!

Honestly, I'm surprised why MGA2 got such a low rating.  I mean, everything in the game has been greatly improved from the first game, I mean I'd have to give it a much higher rating than an 8.2!!!  That's highway robbery.  I don't think you slave away on a game like this, just to have it be shut down! Curses!!  Honestly, MGA2 is one of the better games for the PSP.  I was one of the major fans of MGA1, even with its design flaws.   And, in this second one everything seems to be improved!  Well, the solid eye thing, I'm going to have to admit, is a little tacky.  When they say glasses I thought they actually meant glasses, and not this little thing you stick onto your PSP and look into it... Still, it was kinda cool to watch.  But, on the other hand, it was totally unecessary, it definately shouldn't have hurt the rating though, because it's entirely optional.  I just had to get this out of my system as I find that to be really annoying to my inner chi.