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StevenJWeir Blog

The Second Coming

Well I'm back on Gamespot now. Alot has changed since I was last here in January 2008, the site looks alot better and there appears to be a whole new staff running the place. In the next weeks I hope I find all the new features and slip right back in as though I never left.

Well firstly a lot has changed with myself since I was last here. I've moved away from home, sharing a house with a friend and I've got an excellent new Graphic Design job. I'm learning to drive, as of now I've had 19 lessons and have my driving theory test booked for October 21st 2008, then my final test hopefully after that. I've played quite a lot of new games, I've bought quite a lot of new 360 games and I've also got a whole new PC.

So I'll start with my new PC as theres not too much to say about it. below are the specs:

AMD Athlon XP 64bit 6400+ 3.2ghz Dual Core
4GB of Corsair 800mhz 6400
Nvidia XFX 9600GT XXX Edition 512MB
2 x 500GB SATAII HDD's
Mobo: Gigabyte GA M57SLI-S4
700watt Eazycool PSU

and I've gotten a Logitech Wave cordless Keyboard and Mouse desktop set and a Samsung T220 22" Widescreen 1680x1050 Monitor to top it all off. Unfortunatly I don't have nearly as much time to you use it though due to work and life etc.

So onto 360. I've gotten GTA4 and completed it, Battlefield Bad Company which I don't enjoy the campaign at all so I spend all my time in that game on Multiplayer. I've also bought a lot of other games I missed out on. I'll do another blog post in a little while about my 360 gaming in more detail.

In other gaming news I've been sampling SPORE, Crysis, Crysis WARHEAD and LEGO Batman, all fairly decent, just waiting on Farcry 2 now for my PC. I also finished Zelda Twilight Princess during the summer on my gamecube. I believe I finished it with 44 hours+ of gameplay. Such an amazing game, hopefully I will be able to play it again one day, on wii with the wiimote.

So thats pretty much me getting myself back upto speed with blog and gamespot. I still need to finish some older games, but with Fable 2, Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, etc coming out fairly soon, I will struggle. Games I want to finish are Bioshock, Mass Effect, Orange Box (HL2, HL2:E1 & HL2:E2), PGR4, Oblivion, GRAW2, Rainbow Six Vegas 1, Viva Pinata, Crackdown and possibley Bad Company single player. So until next time folks, peace out!

2008 - The Year of Driving

Happy New Year everyone. 2008 should be a great year even if my start to it wasn't so great. I ended 2007 in bed ill with this virus taking the UK by storm, I was better again for New Years where I went to a friends party, but then right after that I developed a chest infection and have spent pretty much all that time in bed, not eating, not wanting to play games, only really watching rubbish TV.

Thankfully today (Tuesday 15th Jan) I'm feeling much better, the pain is subsiding, my appetite is back and I'm wanting to play all those games I've been missing out on. Mass Effect, still can't start it as I've not finished the prequel novel. I'm upto chapter 8 and its been slow going, I really should push myself to finish that and get back to the game. BioShock is another game I've got just dangling there ready to finish. I'll be moving to that once Mass Effect is done with.

Driving. Driving is going to be a big part of 2008 for me as I actually NEED to get my licence now. I'm hopefully moving jobs to another town and I'll need a car, so until I pass my test I'll be living with a friend who also works there already. While living with him I'll be pushing to get my lessons done and my test passed so I can get my own car. This has also increased my interest in driving games. I've always liked cars, watching racing, Top Gear etc, but not greatly. But now I've noticed that I'm starting to recognise most cars, so I think my interest must be growing. I often find myself in PGR4 lately just cruising around the London Westminister tour in an Aston Martin DBS, oooh! :)

I'm really looking forward to GTA4 and Splinter Cell Conviction this spring, hoping neither slips back. Loving having my 360, no need for a PS3 yet, maybe when MGS4 is released I won't be able to stop myself, but for now I'm safe. No Wii yet, I'll get one one day maybe, we'll see, a new Zelda will probably do that job.

I've also updated my banner and profile pictures to reflect where I'm at with my 2008 gaming head, all about the Splinter Cell, bring it on. I know nothing about the new game pretty much and when I know nothing about a game before I play it, it always turns out great (MGS1, Ocarina of Time, Splinter Cell 1, GTA3, etc). What is everyone else looking forward to this year?

Christmas Time

Well with exactly one week to go until christmas I feel precisely ZERO christmas spirit and I don't know why. For some reason this year just isn't doing it for me, maybe last year was the last time I'll ever experience the christmasy feeling until maybe I have children and go through it with them. I'm not depressed or anything, just can't seem to get into this year.

Anyway, games. I've been playing Call of Duty 4 online in stints, pushing myself to get to the ultimate unlock that I want, the Baretta .50cal Sniper Rifle and also the Desert Eagle. I want to run around with a gold desert eagle blasting people until they shutdown the COD4 servers. I've also been continuing on Project Gotham Racing 4. That game just has the sense of speed and fun perfected. The controls and handling are just right for me. I recently spent the weekend at a friends where we blasted through Guitar Hero 2 & 3 on the 360. Unfortunatly on HIS profile, so I didn't unlock any new achievements from that.

I did however get 10 new Xbox Live Arcade games free thanks to the 10 free games offer Microsoft where running. I can't remember them all, but I know they included Small Arms, Bomberman, E4, Sonic 1 and a few others. So I've obtained a nice few achievements from that. I also need to revisit Assassins Creed and pick up the achievments I'm missing for pickpocketing knives, throwing poor people around, fighting for more than 10 mins and fighting over 25 peeps in one fight. Then I'll be done with that game as I sure as hell am not collecting all the flags or templars, what a waste of time.

I've been reading Mass Effect: Revelation, the prequel novel to the Mass Effect game. I don't read too much as I don't really have the time, but this book is pretty good. I played the first 5 or 6 hours of Mass Effect so far, but I've decided to hold off continuing until I finish reading the book. Then I am planning on starting again. Its been a while since I started playing and I'm already forgetting what I've acheived, so it should be good to redo things with a better knowledge of the Mass Effect universe and how things work within it.

My plans for the holidays have been thrown into chaos. I was supposed to be paid twice this month, once at the begining and once nearer to christmas, but what has happened is that the company I'm currently freelancing for have decided they'd merge my cheques into one and pay it at the later date, Dec 21st. That is this friday. Now if I get that into the bank that day, its going to take 5 WORKING days to clear, so thats maybe the following friday, so I'm not going to have ANY money until then. My mums birthday is on the 19th and I am supposed to be going out for christmas eve with friends. So now I may not be going out, no-one is getting any presents. What a load of crap eh! Welll at least I'll have my christmas dinner to look forward to and at least I don't have to go christmas shopping with all the packed crowds.

Well I wish everyone a happy holiday and hope that you all have a great New Year, I'll be back on Gamespot next year.

The Comedown

Well after the initial shock has passed on the bombshell that dropped this week gone, I've sorting things out about what my plans are concerning Gamespot.

You see I use this here blog to keep track of my gaming activities and I like to look back on it and reflect on what I was playing at a certain time or what I was upto. If I was to get up and leave Gamespot then this would cease to be and it would mean that it was all for nothing. So I've decided to stay, although I will never renew my Total Access account in protest, I will also never read another Gamespot review, it may sound extreme, but i just can't read them anymore knowing that it's passed through the filter that is Larson.

The only exception is Gamespot UK, this is where my investment in time now lies. Those guys are working so hard for the UK community and we appreciate all their hard work and energy. We're finally getting tournaments in our region and we've had our own podcast for a while now. I feel really bad for the remaining Gamespot US team, Ryan, Kevin, Alex, Aaron, Ryan Mc, Brad, Jodie, Bethany and Brian to name but a few. You guys are all in a horrible place right now and I hope things work out because it's been fun watching you guys these past few years, but I guess all things come to an end.

So here's to my blog, my personal reviews and to all the thousands of Gamespot community members, but most of all here's to

Jeff Gerstmann. Legend.

Gamespot - Jeff Gerstman = Total Access Cancelled.

Upon learning that Jeff Gerstman had been fired this morning. I thought to myself it must have been something extremely serious, when I found out it could have been something as pathetic as the Kane & Lynch review, which was 100% spot on might I add, I was gobsmacked. Jeff has been with the company for 10 years. TEN GOD DAMN YEARS!!!!! He's given a huge chunk of his life, his love to Gamespot and they've let him go over what? A bit of embarassment over a sponsorship deal?

If Gamespot's higher powers only care about money and sponsor ship deals from developers so desperate they need to effectively 'bribe' reviewers, then I don't feel my money is being well spent anymore and my Total Access subscription will be cancelled never to be renued.

There is pretty much only one reason I come to this site and thats Jeff Gerstman. I don't come here for the frankly appauling news which is always days behind any other site. I come here because I like Jeff and I like what he's done at Gamespot since he's been in charge. Now thats been taken away, I don't want to use this site anymore.

Gamespot you learned a big lesson today. Loyalty to employee's is more valuable than Loyalty to desperate devs. Not only have you lost Gerstman you've probably just lost thousands of users who only came here to hear the straight to the point reviews Jeff does.

Good luck to the rest of the Gamespot Crew, but until the situation with Jeff is resolved, I really don't want to be supporting a site that is more interested in money than anything else.

Edit: I advise everyone who is cancelling their Total Access to go here to Adam_B's blog and comment, to show CNET how much money they're losing firing Jeff and pissing all over that which was Gamespot and it's integrity.

Well I failed, no 10,000gs by yesterday. :(

Well to be fair, I did go out Friday night for my birthday and didn't get back till Sunday night, so I shot myself in the foot there. I did however accumlate 530 points before Xbox Live decided to die, so its not ALL bad. What I learned from the whole attempt? Play games for the GAME not the achievements :), oh and Tiger Woods 08 sucks so bad with its swinging control its untrue. I could have torn the tail off a cat I was so angry after spending an hour trying to get the game to recognise a 350yd drive from a tee. :evil:

Call of Duty 3 Complete! Plus 10,000 Gamerscore by Monday???

Hello boys & girls, it's me again with another update on my ToDo list progress. I've finally completed Call of Duty 3, literatlly at the last minute as Call of Duty 4 is out tomorrow. I've collected all but 1 of the single player achievements and thats the 'Complete the game on the veteran difficulty', well screeeeww that! The game is bug fest and just not pleasant to play in some parts, so I will not be playing the single player ever again. Call of Duty 2 has the greatest World War II single player story of any WWII shooter out there. I'm going to be writing a review for Call of Duty 3 and probably Call of Duty 4 when I've finished that.

Now that CoD3 is done, I'm going to push forward into finishing Rainbow Six Vegas, which is a very hard game, but thats a good thing. I feel like I've really achieved something by completing mission. Once thats done I can focus on the other gems I've missed out on, Skate, Tomb Raider Anniversary and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2.

Having been lagging behind a few of my friends on the gamerscore front, I decided to push myself to complete more stuff and gain some more achievements. I think the first thing I needed to do, was break 10,000. I currently have 8965 as I write this and likely that will grow by this evening. I'm hoping for 9000 tonight and then I've got the weekend for the other 1000 which will be nit-picked from the games that I have all half finished, like Tomb Raider Legend, GRAW 2 and some others. But thats the challenge, 10,000 Gamerscore by Monday 12th November 2007.

On a final note, it's my birthday tomorrow and Call of Duty 4 is released, hurray! Anyone who knows me personally knows that modern day military movies and games are a very strong passion of mine. Black Hawk Down is my favourite movie and I've put a lot of hours into Battlefield 2 for PC. Now I know CoD4 is awesome in multiplayer as the beta kicked ass and even though the single player is short, I'm hoping it will be my game of the year.

October Now Playing Update - Part 1

Time for another collection of thoughts where I get keep track of where I am upto in the games I'm playing and whats next.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess I've not actually played Zelda for quite some time now. I'm struggling to remember exactly what the last temple I did was, I believe it was the Snow Mountain Temple thing with the Yeti and his wife. I know I've got to move onto the Sacred Meadow and then do one of the two final temples. I really should complete this otherwise its going to end up another unfinished Zelda game.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas I'm still upto the same spot I was at during my last Now Playing update, the entrance to Dante's Casino, after the traverse through the bell tower in the dark. RB6V is another game thats taken a back seat to all the new fresh games that I've got. I guess I should hurry finishing this so I can move onto Call of Duty 3, which I also want to complete before I get Call of Duty 4.

BioShock One of the greatest games ever crafted in my opinion. I'm upto the part where the tree's have just been killed by Ryan and I've got to get to this woman, I forget, its been a couple of weeks! :)

Stuntman Ignition I tried at first to get 5 stars for every level before moving on, I got the first 5 through some great struggle and the final level of the first Movie is too long to attempt to get a 5 star, so I decided to just push on with the bare minimum for each level and progress through the story. I've gotten as far as the second to last movie, I need to unlock another 10-15 movie stars before I can progress to the final movie which is called the "Night Avenger" sort of a batman movie. Looking forwarding to finishing this one.

Skate I got Skate literatlly a few days before Halo 3, so I played through past how far the demo lets you and went exploring, the city is HUGE and I know skate will give me a lot of fun when I eventually get round to it. Another one I'm truly looking forward to.

The Orange Box Just got this today and played Half-Life 2 for about 30 mins, just enough to get to the manhacks section in the sewers. The game looks like the PC version on highest settings, so looking forward to getting to Episode One and Two. I've played Portal for about 1 hour and 30 mins and I'm in the last level which is very fun. The game is brilliant, just so short. Team Fortress 2 is fun, only had one game, takes a bit of getting used to compared to other FPS's but looks like it could be great fun.

Halo 3 I got and completed it fairly early, prompting my review. The campaign was very satisfying and Multiplayer is great with friends, but after several bad experiences online while alone, I'm refusing to play it with strangers for the time being. This saddens me as I forked out for the limited edition which isn't that great in the end anyway, should have gotten the normal one as the artwork is awesome plus it fits in my DVD rack which LE doesn't. I really want to compete online for more achievements, but with CoD4 around the corner, I'll have to wait and see what happens.

Project Gotham Racing 4 Just got PGR4 this week, at first I hated it, but it's really grown on me. Driving from the internal view is brilliant for the most part, only time it sucks is on motorbikes and in ferrari's where your arse must be on the floor plate as you're looking over a the steering wheel as its in your way too much. I've got high hopes for this game as I retire Forza 2, PGR4's calendar based season mode is exactly what I wanted following my renewed interest in F1 and season mode motorsport championships, come on Hamilton win it!!

I've also got several other games on the list to be completed, The Darkness, Splinter Cell Double Agent for Xbox 1, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, GRAW 2, Call of Duty 3, Tomb Raider Legend, Zelda Wind Waker & Zelda Ocarina of Time.

Back in Black! I have an Elite!!!

Well after months of toddling along offline with a banned 360, I finally bought myself a new Xbox 360 Elite and a copy of Halo Limited Edition on Wednesday morning. The deal cost me £314.99, so only £15 ontop of the Elites RRP for Halo! So far its alot quieter than my premium and it looks great, plus the controller is awesome, because its new, it feels better than my smoothed white premium wireless controller. Below is the two beauties in my TV unit:

I've gotta wait for the transfer cable before I can trade my premium's HDD in for £25 towards a new game (dunno what one yet, possible Call of Duty 4). I also bought some new speakers, which appear below:

They're Logitech X-530 speakers and the first thing I tested was Halo 3's first level, the first grenade explosion was where the real difference occured, the bass. I've got a 5.1 system on my PC but the bass on it is nowhere near the level of awesomeness with these speakers. Saving Private Ryan was watched too to justify the speakers further, such an amazing movie with such amazing sound effects. I then played Call of Duty 4 beta and I couldn't believe how much better it felt. It was like going from Standard Def gaming to HD gaming, the difference was so big. I'm looking forward to all the new games even more now, especially Kane & Lynch for that 'Heat' inspired bank robbery scene.

Next I think I'll upgrade my PC and get rid of the 5.1 for a decent 2.1 system and finally get a widescreen monitor. :)

My Halo 3 Review - Campaign Only

Well this evening I finally finished Halo 3's campaign mode on Normal Difficulty. I took my time through the levels and I finished the game in probably 7-8 hours which is quite short for a blockbuster game. I'll focus on several aspects in my review which I feel are important in any game, So let's begin.

The Story.

Continuing on from the end of Halo 2, which was very much disappointing, Master Chief had just arrived back at Earth to 'Finish the Fight', we see his ship crash into Earth's atmosphere and down in the jungle. You then find out that the Covenant have been excavating a huge hole in a part of the earth near New Mombasa. They've uncovered a huge Forerunner device, The Ark. This Ark is the key to activating all the other Halo rings in the Galaxy and it has the power to destroy everything.

There are two main focuses on the story in Halo 3, one is the Ark and its connection to the Halo's in the Galaxy and the other is Cortana. Cortana keeps sending you messages, which keep giving you hints of the things to come. I felt that the story in the first few levels was lacking, there wasn't any real sense of threat on Earth until the Ark opened up and then we leave Earth. Its hear that the ball really gets rolling and you get sucked right in.

With the ending I did feel satisfied and especially with the part after the credits. It really makes you feel like we're back where we started, ready for a new adventure. The pacing of the story once you leave Earth was fantastic. I played through the entire none-Earth part of the campaign in one sitting because it flowed so well. Overall looking at Halo 1 through 3, the story was very well crafted, simple in nature and excellently executed. It's almost like how Star Wars Episode 3 makes Episode 1 and 2 watchable again. For story, I give 9/10.


Halo 3 plays almost exactly the same as Halo 2 apart from a few tweaks and additions of new weapons and vehicles. The main change comes with the button layout. They've changed it up quite a lot, changing reload to the bumper buttons and adding an equipment button to X. I found myself on a few occasions deploying my equipment while trying to reload in a hurry. The X button has become almost the universal reload button in all games and it throws you slightly having it placed differently.

Once you've gotten used to the controls, you've got a huge selection of weapons available, one of which returns from Halo 1 after an absence in Halo 2, the Assault rifle. The AR is more powerful than the Battle Rifle for a few reasons. One is that it has a greater rate of fire which is essential during the many fights with the Flood, also wherever there are dead marines, there is AR ammo, the BR is powerful against flood but the ammo is very rare and so you don't end up using it much. I found myself using the AR for most of the game and swapping between the Spiker Gun and the Gravity Hammer usually.

The new grenades were also a big element to the combat, now you have 4 grenade types to choose, you have the standard Frag, the Plasma and now two new ones. The Spike Grenade, which is only really powerful when it hits someone and the Flame grenade which is great against the flood. Turrets are one of the best new additions, in the fact that you can now detach them from the mount and walk around with them. You get Machine Gun Turrets, Missile Turrets, Covenant Plasma Turrets and Flame Throwers. You walk quite slowly when carrying them but you're deadly with them so it's a fare trade off.

There's two main new Marine vehicles, the Hornet, which is a flying craft with VTOL controls, which is quite slow and clumsy in the air and the Mongoose which I prefer over a Warthog, its a small ATV with a space on the back for a passenger who can fire their weapon as you drive. The Covenant also has an awesome new vehicle called the Chopper, which is like a giant spiked wheel with a carriage built around it. The turning circle on them isn't so great, but I find them more useful than the Ghost, especially in collisions. With all these new additions and tweaked Gameplay, Halo 3 plays better than the previous two and is just a smooth pleasant ride. Gameplay gets 9/10.


Normally graphics shouldn't mean anything, but this is 2007 and we're living in the HD era, if you're game looks like crap, it looks like super-crap on a HDTV. Halo 3 however, looks quite amazing. Master Chief looks superb. I've spent countless time admiring his armour and the effects of the visor and his battle scarred chest plate in the theatre playback mode. But the same cannot be said for the Marines, they have quite blurry textures on them and since they spend a lot of time in front and around you, they could have looked better.

The enemies look quite amazing. The brute's armour shines without looking like the cheap gloss effect that all games seem to be using in the last few years, their armour actually looks metallic. The grunts also look great with all their different colours. The Phantom ships are one of the best examples of this metallic shine effect, the entire top half is covered in it and when you see it in one of the earlier jungle levels on Earth, it looks quite special. Speaking of the jungle level, the environments look stunning. The way the leaves look waxy and 'leafy', the water glistening and the shadows from the trees above all make it look beautiful.

The lighting is probably the best I've ever seen in a game. From the way it shines through the trees above, glaring as you move around; to explosions and plasma effects which you can really see the benefit from when you view back a film in Theatre mode. But the biggest problem is the consistency. There will be glorious bump mapped textures on a wall and right next to it a really low-res, recycled looking texture, which can give the effect of a cheap user mod. But it was very rarely I noticed blemishes or defects and I felt my whole graphical experience was a treasure. 8/10 for graphics.

Sound & Music.

I won't spend too much time on the sound of Halo 3 because I don't have a full 5.1 set yet, I'm getting one this week so I'll update my review when I post it properly. The thing that stood out to me after a while in this game was the amount of chatter, from both allies and enemies. I heard a grunt on several occasions scream out "You Killed my Buddy!" which made me chuckle, also hearing the female marine who sounded remarkably like 'Starbuck' from BSG (that's because it is, Katie Sackhoff) was great. Coming to the weapons, you can always tell what weapon an enemy has usually by the sound it makes, each weapon has its own effect, even the marine weapons. The best sound though is still the low bass grumble of the Assault Rifle as you fire away sounding like 100 spiders with little boots on running around inside washing machine. One final point to touch on about the sound was the sound the Gravemind makes when he screams at you, I actually flinched a little as it was so loud and angry, chilling!

The biggest point to make about the sound in Halo 3 is the music. Marty O'Donnell is now one of my favourite composers. His music is superb. I wouldn't call myself a diehard halo fan, I never play online as I hate the community, but when I hear the Halo theme, I get Goosebumps. So when you're in the thick of a battle with some atmospheric generic battle music playing and then you come to a major point and the Halo theme kicks in, you're thinking "YEAH!" and you play better. If only the entire game was played to variations of the Halo theme, you'd kick a lot more ass. For me the sound gets a 10/10 as I can't see any way it can get any better.


After finishing Halo 3, I felt warm and fuzzy. I felt like I just watched Return of the Jedi, I had that same feeling of closure and knowing that even though this story was over, there were plenty more adventures out there just waiting to happen. Halo is based in a big universe and there's plenty of things out there to explore. Let's just hope that they don't include The Flood in the next one, worst...enemy...ever! My Overall rating for Halo 3 is:


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