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Stitch888486 Blog

Blog Entry: Just a few text tricks I seem to be learning at

< a href="">< /a> -A command enabling me to form a direct link to a site. Take out the space at the beginning a and the space before the slash. < b>(insert word here)< /b> -Command for continuous bold writing, remove spaces. < b> (insert word here) < b> -Command for just bold writing on the words in between the commands. Remove the spaces. More will be put here as I learn them, plus blogging is the easiest way for me to write them down and find them for later use. < font color="red">This is red< /font> This is blue

Blog Entry: Being Introduced to Naruto

Prior to three weeks or maybe even four weeks ago, my only knowledge of this show was based on the game being advertised in game magazines I usually buy. Though I knew it would soon becoming to Cartoon Network, I never really imagined it would be such a great series. If my memory serves me well I came to on tuesday the 13th of september and found that many were devoted to the show, and it wasnt even on toonami yet. From the naruto forums I learned its manga was translated weekly in English. From there I searched for naruto's manga and began reading on Wednesday the 14th of September. I find Naruto to be an addicting manga (my tv's on the fritz so I haven't been able to watch the show), it has no continuity errors, the overall story is excellent, characters develope as the story goes, and everyone can relate to a character or two. By Friday the 16th of September I was sad though. This was primarily because I had read up to the latest chapter and can't wait for the other chapters release. All things considered I'd have to say without I would have missed out on a good anime. Game magazines truly do not attract unknowing readers attention to Naruto.