Stix_3200's forum posts
I knew nothing about this game (haven't played the other games) but last night I downloaded all 5 game play videos off the marketplace, and me and a buddy watched them. The videos were amazing and sold me on this game and my friend is buying a 360 just for this game. October 20th the videos said it was coming out, can't wait.
I'm trying to convince a friend to buy a xbox360 over the PS3. The only reason why he wants a PS3 is because he plays Madden on the PS2 and wants the controller to be the same. I've tried to google this and came up with people sticking their PS3 buttons into a xbox360 controller (I don't get why but whatever) but does anyone know of a way to get the PS3 or PS2 controller to hook up to the xbox360?
Yeah, they made it to good. Because of this its on the tv 24/7, if I'm not playing it then one of my roommates are. Really its a good game, there are several things they can improve on. I hate shooting down the Helicopter in MP and not get credit for it. How about a way to add more then one add-on to my gun?
Really this is one of the best FPS I have played. So I'm not sure how they can significantly update this game for number 5 but I can see tweaks they can do to improve it.
Respawning COD4 really that much better then in other FPS????Anyone else think that where yourespawn after dieing is garbage. I remember reading in the reviews for this game that the respawn is the best thing ever and they made an ingenues system. Yes you can respawn by your team mates but when you all die it feels like you can get stuck in a corner and not get out. Was curious what others thought of the respawn system.
I have a feeling I'm going to get slapped in the face by you guys for this thread but F it. My opionin so if you don't agree with it cool.
So I never played Half Life 2 before last week, I picked up the orange box and couldn't stop playing it. After beating it I woundered to myself why in the hell was I ever playing Bioshock. Half Life 2 is an older game now (I think two or three years now) and bioshock just came out not to long ago. How the hell did people go crazy for bioshock and not compare Half Life 2 to it? Maybe I missed thouse threads.
Does anyone agree? I could go througheverything HL2 andBioshock do the same andthen show how HL2 is light years away from bioshock. But to save you guys from reading a huge block of text I won't.
Your joking right? There can't be free games because of Marketing, publishing, devopling and manufacuring costs. And devolopers like EA probely just keep all the money they get from advertising.grunt1096
Yeah this is why it would never happen, to much greed from some companies.... So they don't have to be free but they could be cheaper at the very least..... Were already paying 60 bucks for games that have so many ads in them it's rediculous.
So I can't comprehend on why the heck certain games aren't free yet. I'm not saying all games should be free but most sporting games (specially from EA) should be as well as some others, and here's how and why. (Also not trying to pick on EA in anyway there just a really good example for this thread)
There are already a bunch of ads in Madden. Why doesn't EA give us free copies of Madden and add more ads in there? They can charge companies each month/week/days (whatever they want really) then change out the ads as need be. Do I really need a loading screen that says loading? Why not put an ad in there for IBM or any company?
I wouldn't mind the ads if I get the game for free. But if I'm paying 60 bucks why are you getting money from me and the advertising company?
What do you guys think? I'm not saying all games need to be free and need ads in them as I don't mind paying 60 bucks for great epic games.
(I'm trying to keep this on the short side could write a 100 page doc on an argument for this)
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