Stoner-Dude's forum posts
all the sheep really have is brawl, sunshine and mp3. the rest of the games look like trash. shadow_lord_11have you seen SSX blur? SSBB looks way better than SSMB
[QUOTE="SSJ2_Cloud"]We all know graphics are sweet, awesome to look at, complement a game, etc, but in this gen, it really won't make that much difference.
From a console standpoint:
     Almost everyone gaming on a next gen system is doing so after previously owning a last gen system (PS2, Xbox, GC). While PS3 and Xbox fans go back and forth with "My grfx pwn your n00b grfx" and "That game looks like crap" It's impossible to deny that they are a significant step up from before. Someone who has been playing PS2 for years will not be able to pick up a 360 or PS3 game and say "Wow, those graphics suck", because by comparison, they don't. They had plenty of fun playing last gen games, which looked markedly worse (though many were still breathtaking), so it stands to reason that GRAPHICS will not be a factor in determining what games they play. A good game is a good game
It's really the content that matters
From an analogical standpoint:
    Stephen Hawking is a cripple, does that make him any less of a genius?
    If you put Mountain Dew in a V8 can, will it taste any less awesome?
    If you put some 32 inch subs in your '88 geo will it not be hella loud?
    If you put skittles in an M&M bag, will you not still taste the rainbow?
    If Chuck Norris is wearing a sweater vest, will his roundhouse kick to the face not devastate you?
It's not whats on the outside that matters, its whats on the inside.
It seems to me that judging games by their graphics is the modern day equivalent of judging a book by its cover. Eye candy is cool and all, but all next gen games are all eye candy to anybody who hasn't just started gaming the the last year. Beyond that, a few graphical problems won't stop a game from being great. Ask someone what their favorite game of all time is and why, there's a good chance it won't be because it looked stupendous, but because it was fun.
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