@Guimengo1 From my experience of about an hour of play, the lag is greatly reduced, especially when it comes to chords. It took about a second in the original game for it to analyze a full chord, and in this game it is almost instantaneous. Sound-wise, as long as you use the recommended setup the audio lag is barely noticeable even in the fastest songs.
Great idea, but I'm sad that I won't be able to refund Command and Conquer 4 since I got it in the Command and Conquer Collection. I wish Steam would do something like this!
@Good-Smurf Mount and Blade: Warband or Chivalry: Medieval Warfare would be exactly what you'd be looking for then. Chivalry is pretty much a First Person Slasher, while Mount and Blade has a very good single player campaign with an almost Counter-Strike-like multiplayer component.
Yesterday, my friend and I were playing Black Ops 2 split screen online. I was utterly horrified. Instead of trying to work together and capture points in order to win the match, everyone was just running around shooting each other because that was the best way to get XP. Winning didn't matter in the slightest. As much as I enjoy having progress and unlocks tied into multiplayer, when it becomes the driving factor of the game (instead of the actual gameplay) the game is effectively ruined. With the exception of a select few games (DOTA 2, LoL, Team Fortress 2) I stick to either single player or split screen multiplayer.
After running through the demo for an hour as Austria, I am ecstatic for the full game. The tutorial was great, though I don't know how good it will be for people who haven't played a game like this before. So far I've seen nothing but improvements.
@PsiZombie For the modern graphics, look up the LB Photo-Realism x256 texture pack. It'll pretty much destroy all but the most intense of gaming computers, but it looks incredible. It's my favorite texture pack along with the original textures.
Reminds me of Frequency (never played Amplitude, should pick it up someday). I just bought Rock Band 1 and 2, plus some more songs, just so that I can import them into the game. CAN'T WAIT!
Strategygamer22's comments