Realm of the Mad God is great. I've played close to 20 hours, and I only have 10 of the 13 classes unlocked. I do suggest buying one extra character slot because of the permadeath. That way you can continually build up one character while still unlocking more characters in the other slot.
"scum-of-the-earth"? Really? I hate cheaters as much as anybody, but how seriously do these people take this game! I would consider people such as KKK members or child molestors "scum of the earth," not game cheaters. Also, this article never says how this exploit was obtained. If it's just a problem in the game that you don't have to hack the game to access, then it's the developer's problem, not the players.
This will be the only thing that will run Crysis 2 when it releases. Also, play games on whatever you want. I have a PS3 and laptop, and both are great. I prefer a computer because you can play games from 20 years ago. But the PS3 is an easier way to play games like Assassin's Creed 2 and Resident Evil 5 because I don't have thousands of dolllars to upgrade a computer. Play games on whatever you want, just play good games.
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