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Is this rumor true, or just rumor.

Final Fantasy XIII non-exclusive?

I found this link via the VG Cats website.  Not being a huge Sony enthusiast, not sure if this is reliable or not.  Not seeing any word of this on Gamespot or Kotaku makes me think its not.  But then, why would a Sony fan site put up bad news like this?  Seems like it would just create a firestorm on the forums,  but then, that could be what they are going for.

If true... well... just one more reason for me NOT to get a PS3 and to pick up a 360. 

The leeching of precious time

...And enjoying every minute of it.

Its rare now that I'm completely consumed with any game. Even World of Warcrack never really completely took hold of me. But the boys at Penny-Arcade certainly nailed it when they were discussing Puzzle Quest here.

If you value your free time, for the love of all that is good, do not get this game. However, to imitate Tycho somewhat, if you wish to get your hands on a game that will twist your perceptions of time and draw you into a realm of emo half-elves, chatty dwarves and the restless undead, where sieges of kingdoms can only be solved by playing Bejeweled and the hurling of fireballs at multicolored gems, then by all means, play Puzzle Quest.

Its the first game since I picked up Final Fantasy Tactics that has drained my DS's battery from full to nothing in one solid sitting. Afterwards, I plug the DS in again, and lament the fact that I should have hit the bathroom when I had the chance, because now I'm tethered to the DS power cord, as I must finish just one more puzzle board, learn one more spell...

It even made me forget that Hyrule still needed saving.

The game is not without its flaws, but in my opinion that gives it its charm! Its not exactly easy, though once I got some of the more powerful items like the orb of poison, and francisca of plague, I rarely lost a match. There's just something very satisfying of casting spells like Finger of Death with a stylus.

The biggest thing going for it? My girlfriend loves it, so much so she insists that I keep it away after I accidently left the DS at her place. She blames me for stealing 90 minutes of her life and she wants it back, even though she loved the game.

How do you repay time? And what is the interest rate?

Super Ghouls N' Ghosts support group

It should start out something like this:

"Hi. My name is Arthur."
"Hi Arthur!"
"I used to run after my girlfriend who was kidnapped by a giant two faced demon in only my underwear. My armor got knocked off by a stupid little blue demon in the cheapest way."

I love this game. I never did beat it, though I came close. It really isn't a cheap game, its just perfectly hard. Even on the easiest settings, you will get your head handed to you numerous times in the first level if you're new to the game.

I really think that in this day and age of the "hardcore gamers" that there should be a metric or a gauntlet of games that you must play in order to be called hardcore. I'm not talking about games that require you to play an excessively long amount of time to acheive a relatively insignificant goal, like breeding a Golden Chocobo in FFVII or something. I think beating hard old school games like Kid Icarus, Ghouls n' Ghosts, Ninja Gaiden and Blaster Master are required. But then most of those same people wouldn't touch those games because they aren't next-gen.

Listen, Kratos will forgive you if you pick up a magic lance and kill some zombies with a guy who's armor gets knocked off after getting hit with a tiny fireball. God of War wouldn't exist without the success of games like SG&G.


Interestingly enough, Microsoft, or more specifically Bungie, has announced a feature that might actually get me into Halo multiplayer more.  They've announced a built-in mute button for Halo 3. 

Now, I've tried Halo, its pretty good, and I tried playing the online multiplayer, but man... the brats playing the game on their headsets with their constant non-game related chatter or inane trash-talking.  I couldn't stand it.  I handed the game over to my buddy and was done with it. 

Look, I'm all for the occassional "pwned!" moments, but when you get fragged as much as you do in a FPS, hearing it over and over at a volume and pitch WAY too high, forget it.  I still recall playing Quake or maybe it was the first Unreal Tournament, where there was built-in trash-talking phrases that would get shot off when you got gibbed.  Fair enough.  Now with the new mute option that will be included in the next Halo, I just might get into that.  Communication is all well and good, but the rest I can do without.
The best thing hearing these same morons on the forums screaming that its either not a new idea, or "if you can't take it get off XBL!"  The whole point of it is to know that they're getting under your skin.  Otherwise they'd just scream at the screen with the mic off.  Now that's been taken away from them.  I do hope that they have a message that appears on their screen that says "Player X has muted you" as the final dig. :D

The "FINAL" Fantasy

With the re-release of FF6, which I haven't played in full for at least 10 years, I can truly say it is the epitome of the main Final Fantasies.  Hands down... there IS no question here.  The gameplay is tight, the graphics for its time, and even now on the GBA, are crisp and I will take this cast over any and all Final Fantasy casts.  Because you care about all the characters.  There is no emo character here, no anti-hero that we all love to hate.  Heck, the (arguably) two main male and female leads, Locke and Terra, aren't even romantically involved or doing the whole teenage fawning crap we see in FF following this one.  And the music?  Fuggedaboudit....  the best.  Only a handful of Uematsu-san's other works can even compare.

I've enjoyed most of the FF games, with the exception of FFVIII.  FFVI is the opposite of everything FFVIII stood for or implemented.  The little sprites of Terra, Edgar and Celes are all much more fully realized than the CGI/90210 SeeD school kids.

OK, enough ranting... going to finish work so I can go home and enjoy the masterpiece. 

VC = Very Cool

Gunstar Heroes is a fine, fine bit of digital crack and I can't fathom how I went for so long without playing it.  Add to it that I will have to pick up at least 3 of the Nintendo Christmas present games (probably Street Fighter, R-Type and TJ and Earl), and the Virtual Console is turning into quite the tasty treat. 

Now I just have to bring my wireless router to the parental units' when I head home in a few days...

Everything I hoped and more...

Two syllables best describe my Wii experience so far.

Boo-yah! (My apologies to Stuart Scott).

Its really a magnificent console. Sports is great, Zelda is superb, the old school VC games are sublime, and I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on Trauma Center and DBZ. And after just getting Castlevania: POR, I think I'm satisfied with gaming for the remainder of the year. :)

Here's hoping that the future games that utilize the Wii Friends codes are worth it. I never understood the voice chat appeal of Xbox Live, though I understand the necessity for it in some co-op squad games. But luckily I won't have to hear some 13 year old squeaking at me with future Wii multiplayer.

Here's hoping for online play with Super Smash Bros.

Verdict in shortly

Well, I'll be picking up my Wii with my girlfriend tomorrow, so the final verdict will be coming in shortly as to my preference of the latest systems.  I can however, compare the PS3 and 360 (thanks to my hardcore gamer friend).  He and I came to the same conclusion.  The PS3 has "potential", but its extremely underwhelming at this point.  Its not all that different from the 360 during its early days, which I suppose is a plus for Sony, considering the 360 has grown on me somewhat. 

I'm still not enamored with the Live idea, pay for online games after playing PC games online for free for 10 years isn't appealing to me, but some games, like Gears of War really are quite good.  There's something actually going on under the hood in Gears, rather than just being eye candy.   The 360 may be a purchase for me in the future, though its just as likely that I will pick up a PS2 and a bunch of classic (old and new) games like Shadow of the Colossus, Tekken 5, and Final Fantasy XII,

However, the Wii is in my immediate future.  I really doubt I'm going to be disappointed with it, too bad a major job interview will interrupt my Zelda playing... ok, that's not really that bad.

 PS3... like what pretty much everyone else has said... when Metal Gear  and FFXIII come out, then maybe (probably not).  "I feel asleep!" is more my speed.  Eye candy is exactly that, give me meat and potatoes.


I have to admit, I've gotten to the point where I'm anticipating the Wii as much as I was anticipating the N64. I have no doubt that the experience of playing my first Wii game (Not sure if it will be Sports, Zelda, or perhaps Monkey ball), will not equal the sheer amazement and joy of playing Super Mario 64 for the first time. However, it just has that fresh feeling to it.

Its also times like this I wish some of my old gaming buddies weren't now hundreds of miles away. However, I think my girlfriend is intrigued by the system, and my sister will want to play it at Thanksgiving... except I have to keep telling her Guitar Hero isn't on the Wii.... hopefully that will change! :)

The ultimate test as to if the Wii will be popular with non-gamers? -- If my dad picks up Wii Sports Bowling when he watches us play it this holiday.

All that said... I still want to play Final Fantasy XII and Gears of War. But that must wait for a later date... (oh and waiting for Final Fantasy III and Porrtait of Ruin! :) )

Too freaking expensive

As someone who now has an exremely busy life, yet one where gaming is still important, I just can't help but think that gaming has become too expensive.  This is even after my earning potential has increased.  Upon considering the next-gen systems, I just can't help but think the PS3 is just ridiculous in nearly every sense:  graphics, hype, price.  I can't comment on games because... well they don't exist yet. 

If anything, I'll be purchasing a Wii, because of the unique experiences, the games I know and love (Mario, Zelda, the old school games), and because, yeah, its the least expensive.  I've even considered getting a 360!!  But, really, if I want great online gaming, I still go PC.

With the exception of a few game previews (White Knight Story looks mouthwateringly amazing) the PS3 won't be a purchase I'll even try until late next year.
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