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#1 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts
It does indeed look sweet. However, I kinda wish they didn't give Cecil, Kain and the others last names to make them like FF VII characters. I know FF6 characters had last names, but I don't think they were ever referred to in the game itself. Ah well, small nitpick. I'll be getting this when it comes out for certain.
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#2 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts

Well said, y2kzorak. I think there's just the typical E3 hysteria that gets whipped up because of the show, with people forgetting it isn't and won't be what it used to be. But I know I was a bit disappointed with the lack of details so far from the show, Nintendo and otherwise. However, I got the info I was looking for in the release dates of Galaxy and Brawl, plus the confirmation of Mario Kart Online. I know my girlfriend is still kicking herself over not picking up her own Wii when she had the chance, now that WiiFit was announced. She does yoga twice a week and loves the idea.

What you need to remember is this is primarily a "hardcore" gaming site. There's always going to be the vocal minority whining and moaning over perceived shortcomings and disappointments. Its really nothing new. I personally am looking forward to the variety of titles coming to the Wii, as opposed to the major titles for Sony. They look like good titles, but they just seem to be clones of themselves, I need strong variety. Anyway, my opinion, not trying bashing the PS3.

The other thing is the age of the gamers posting here. I think you and I are in the great minority of being somewhat older gamers comparatively (30 next month).

If the negativity continues for a while, then there may be cause for some concern, but the Wii has some good stuff coming. Its the only one of the three new systems that interests me as I still play my PS2, PC, DS and Gamecube games. The Wii is going to do just fine in general, whether the so-called "hardcore" gamers think so or not.

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#3 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts
Excellent idea. It was one of the things I thought about when I first saw the add on. I see it as a kind of analog DDR mat. I'm sure Nintendo will break out some other games to use the Board, but the real test is whether or not 3rd parties can innovate and get their heads out of the incremental sequel mode they've all been in for years.
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#4 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts

Rygar is so hardcore they locked the thread. It's kind of like Fight club. This thread will soon be locked.


 There's a Chuck Norris joke in there somewhere, but I won't be the one to say it. :)

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#5 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts

I loved the Power Glove, I owned one... do you guys remember U-Force or the movie the Wizard?gatsbythepig

The Power Glove: "Its so BAD!!"  Sorry, someone had to say it.  And yeah, it was ahead of its time, just very poorly executed.

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#6 StrikerGold
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I truly hope so, I'd pick it up in a second.  The art style is perfect for the Wii, and its pirates!   Swashbuckling Wii-style could be excellent..  I hope the system also gets more of the Tales series.   The real-time monster battles with the Wii-mote as hte weapon would be a nice touch.
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#7 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts

I'm getting the feeling that questioning Pokemon in a videogame forum is paramount to driving through Harlem yelling the "N" word out the window


Not just that but not knowing why the "N" world is not a word you should be using in Harlem. The fact is that the Pokemon bashers don't know a thing about Pokemon.


enter tournaments

fight against another guy pokemon

your pokemon wins he losses he's pokemon and the other way around

rinse and repeat !

Congrats, you just described every competitive game on the most simplest level.

Yep the game is a no brainier no wonder so many of you like it so much

it takes like 100 Brain cells to play this game

try a real game like HALF LIFE 2

if you think you can handle it :P

Heh, ironic.  I was just about to post that usually after coming home from a braindraining day at work, if I want a relatively mindless game, but still plenty fun, I'll pick up Pokemon or another DS game.  If I want something completely deaden my senses and be completely mindless (which I sometimes need) I pick up a FPS.  They EAT brain cells.  If I want to work out my mind, I'll play a puzzle game or pickup chess online. 

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#8 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts

A lot of hardcores do think graphics matter...but the majority of console owners aren't hardcore....thats why we make the distinctioneddy_of_york

That's why I do find it amusing that the "hardcores" need to slam the Wii.  Because if they really cared about graphics all this time, they would have purchased a gaming PC.  All this talk about HDTV and consoles, and I've been gaming in Hi-def for years now.  If I wanted to play Oblivion, I've got the PC, same for a multitude of good FPS, strategy, sims, etc.  But if I want to play something unique like Trauma Center, or have fun with friends, you know, in the same room, I gotta go to the Wii.   I'll play a good JRPG on a console like the PS2, since I've been doing that since my NES days, but other than that, most of the next gen system games don't offer me anything new or interesting yet.  Maybe I'll get a 360 for Blue Dragon or Mass Effect, otherwise... meh. 

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#9 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts

I don't think the Wii has proven that gameplay trumps graphics. a bunch of mini games do not constitute great gameplay. So far the best things about the Wii have been 2 upgraded gamecube titles, a tech demo and a title consisting of nothing but minigames...

The Wii is fun and simple to use at a cheap pricepoint.. THAT is why it is successful. It has nothing to do with superior gameplay because at this moment most of the Wii titles are subpar 3rd party shovelware.

Fun trumps everything. It's the K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) factor at it's best at work here.


no ps1 and ps2 did and wii going to be the same :

what mim games? :| wii sports (not mim game) rayman is (on all console) waire ware (has mini games still tehcially not called mimi game) wii play (still not mim games)

so what mim games are you getting it ?


Dude, Wii sports is a tech demo. It is comprised of 5 sports minigames...I love Wii bowling, but it is nowhere near a full game. Baseball isn't 3 innings last time I checked, You play more holes in golf..etc

Warioware is a collection of minigames. It's always been that way. That's what it is and it's incredibly fun. But it's a bunch of mini games connected by little cute stories, which is ok, just don't try and make it more than that.

Wii play see above examples...What's funny is I enjoy all of these games, but lets not try and make them out to be more than they are: A bunch of games that you can pickup and play then put them away without any problem. I own a Wii and I have all 3 games, They are fun but shallow games. And I refuse to by a Wii 3rd party game until they decide to:

A.Stop making ports of games I played last year. Yes, the control scheme is new, but I basically played the same content already, no thanks

B. Stop with the goddamn shovelware.

This is tough love coming from me. I'm happy that the Wii is doing well, but even with the novel controls there are more compelling gaming experiences elsewhere.....They need quality software. (aside fron Ninty titles)

You're actually quite right about games like Wii Sports... good thing most people didn't have to actually buy it separately.  Which makes the fun I have with Sports infinitely satisfying.  

 As for the 3rd party games, most developers got caught with their pants down and ended up putting together half-assed ports.  And those that didn't really think the Wii would do well, i.e. most of the people on this board, are now scrambling to cash in on its success, which means that some of the games are going to suck because they rushed them.  The Wii's success that has come with only a handful of superb titles like Zelda, Trauma Center and WarioWare, and a bunch of others that are more subpar, but still are selling.  I'm very interested in seeing what some of the more creative developers put together, which could lead to even more success and sales from the "hardcore" crowd.

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#10 StrikerGold
Member since 2002 • 395 Posts

I think hate is probably a bit extreme, don't you think? (OK, I know the board I'm dealing with here, but still) Maybe its the game selection. I think it would have more to do with the way Sony is marketing the system. Some serious arrogance there.

It really shouldn't be about the price, although that's a big deal for many people. Personally, if I had the cash to buy either the 360 or the PS3 and say ,two games, right now, I would buy the 360. No contest. If the PS3 was exactly the same price as the 360, and I had the same cash flow, I would pick the 360.  Again no contest. Heck, if I had $600 and no game systems at all... I would go out and buy the Playstation 2 and a boat load of games, before I bought the PS3.

Its simply a matter of value. Don't hate the system... hate the people that are not giving a loyal fan what they want.