I think GS have an opportunity to actually include morality and political correctness in all future reviews.
Is the game violent? lose a mark, are all ethnicities represented in a positive way? no? lose a mark.
Is the game misogynistic? (this ones for you petit ) yes? lose a mark.
If your going to review the GTA V in this way it would get a phat zero!, and the thing is thats the score it deserves in reality.
The game promotes humanity at its worst, non gamers watch the news on tv and they look at GTA games in horror.
But the truth is GS and all the gaming media dont actually give a crap, i dont really give a crap, its getting attention because Petit was and still is receiving abuse which is completely wrong.
I've played about 15hrs of the psn version with no noticeable problems, is this something you would only notice if you had both disc and digital versions?
@myglasseye @Suharar I dont think i'm so removed from "normal". I think you would be surprised at how vulgar and ignorant the average person is, especially when you work with mostly uneducated working class people like i do.
I dont hate Caroline Petit. she seems alright from what i know of her, its just that one point about misogyny and ignoring any other moral issues about the game.
She is a professional journalist after all, i guess i just expected more from her, as she is an intelligent person that knows her stuff.
I think the point is that GTA V is alot of "bad" things, its violent, racist language and enforces alot of stereotypes of all types of people as well as being misogynistic.
But the game was ONLY being criticised about being misogynistic, add to the fact that caroline petit has recently been on the gamespot podcast talking about pax and the transgendered issue.
She obviously has a big chip on her shoulder, and now its showing in her professional life.
Now Johnny is the second person to say Fu** you to his viewers regarding this issue, the first being total biscuit, he said exactly the same thing. Fair enough, i guess it makes them hip, "right on" and very pc.
But to me its just bull crap, if your going to stand on your soapbox why not criticise all the negative aspects about this game.
Suharar's comments