Look. Here is some more ignorant Cow logic. I have had a PS3. I know there are some good games on there. The problem with Sony is they release so much stuff they can't possibly advertise it all and it ends up not selling and they end up closing the studio like Zipper. So now Sony has games like SOCOM 4, MAG, Starhawk. Twisted Metal, Sourcery, Resistance 3, and Motorstorm Apacolpse that never had a chance. Even IW on Gametrailers said this. Sony set them all up to fai and then lost millions on the games. However. I have seen Cows on this site say that they did not care if the games failed or the studios closed down as long as they got games. Not only did the Cows want the games (Not to play....only so they would have more to brag about in System Wars), They did not care if it put Sony farther in the hole. That shows what kind of eople in SW Cows really are. And that is quite a pathetic human being. Basically for every one game Sony brings out 3 or 4 you don't care about. So why hype it up? I look at the PS3, PSP and the Vita and all I see is Sony doing everything wrong. And now they have resorted to giving away games hoping the Vita sales, and paying publishes to give away older titles for the most part that sales have had a stall in sales and releasing them on PS Plus. No one was buying LBP2 anymore. No one cared about Sais Row 2. The only new games I can think of was Awesomenauts and Virtua Fighter which in Virtua Fighters case did not cost anything to make. So any profit would of been good for Sega. Sony pays them a flat fee and then they get a % off of future sales..... If you are gonna brag about something at least brag about something good. You wanna say that the PS3 is better than the 360 don't try and bring up Starhawk. That just makes you look desperate. And don't bring up a rental service that is bleeding Sony either. It you morons wanna see your console maker of choice close down then that makes you as stupid as Sony. PS3 doesn't even have more exclusives anyway. Lat I looked the 360 still had more. I guess you guys forgot about Deathsmiles, DOA4, Kameo..... So that argument in itself is dumb. Microsoft moved on to the next gen....and I am glad. If I was a Cow I would be pissed. Sony is gonna throw The Lat of Us on the PS3? I f I was a Cow I would want it on the PS4. Because come E3 next year the 360 and PS3 are gonna be something we won't even discuss anymore. The only sure thing is we will all be laughing at Sheep.
[QUOTE="deu5ka175"] Oh. So now you say as long as you have one game that's quality is better than another services quantity then that is all that matters. Which is the total opposite Cows have been spewing for months and months. In that case the 360 gets Halo 4 this year. /Thread.deu5ka175
I was responding to this. But there are other games like sound shapes which also beats both games. Not really. May wanna wait for it to be released. Plus it is on Vita so it isn't exclusive.
[QUOTE="mems_1224"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] TEH REVOLUTIONAAARY!!!!!! What's next, Halo did more for FPS than Doom, Quake 1-3, CS, Wolfenstein 3-D and Goldeneye? Gimmi a break.Mozelleple112
an argument could be made that it did Halo.. more revolutionary than Doom, Wolfenstein 3D etc? You are the cancer of SW dude.
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