I don't see why people can't just say ''Oh that's not the score i expected well i guess it wasn't as good as predicted'' instead of bitching like 3 year old's arguing about who has the nicer toy.
@Jdzspace @Sundberg_man @DemocraticTroll Well seeing how calm this comment section is at the moment i do believe it's already calmed down quite a lot. It's never going to end completely that's for sure but at least this gives us a moment of calm before the next shitstorm hits the fan.
@TheGreatPhoenix Well this was a great thing. If it got more the retarded Xbox fanboys would nag about it for years and if it got less the stupid Sony Fanboys would've done the same thing. Getting the same score pretty much shut most of them up.
@mr_nee @Sundberg_man hahaha the hell they are! Both sides are just as childish. The mature ones are the ones not badmouthing and talking down any console.
Sundberg_man's comments