Vultures! Ugly vultures! :D And I can't believe it's already Video Game History month again! It fells like just a couple of months ago...Dang, time flies.
Interesting... I actually had a stem cell transplant this week, so I'll be staying in the hospital for a long time....a very long time. The hospital here has a Wii and PS3 in the room, and I can ask to borrow some games anytime (movies and books, too). Personally, playing didn't relieve the pain much (I get morphine for that :|), but video games are definitely relaxing for me and they help cure the boredom of staying in one room for so long.
This feels kind of Anyway...a lot of people had a hard time accepting (and a lot still do) digital download services over retail...but if there are plenty of people now who only buy I can see this happening... If it can play these games smoothly on my computer...then this is amazing... I'm going to try the demo now...
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