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SuperAgentZero Blog

Back to the Greatness

This weekend, I will be going back one of the best proclaimed RPG's of our time........Final Fantasy 7! Your probably thinking "Where have you been for the last 12 years?". Well, I bought the game when it first came out, but something happened to the 3rd disc and I wasn't able to complete the game. So now I have have chance to complete a well made RPG(besides FFX).

X Down, X-2 to Go!

This weekend, I was finally able to beat Final Fantasy X(a had been playing for 43 hours). I could beat it in under 40 hourd, but the last boss "Braska's Final Aeon" is no joke. Anyway, I just picked up X-2 tonight and all I have to say is.............WTF!? The battle system on X-2 is more fast paced then the one on X. After I complete X-2, I will probably pick up another RPG. A game that story spans through more than 1 game. My choices are the Dot Hack Series or Xenosaga Series. SuperAgentZero.......signong Off!:lol:

What Im Playing Now Vol.2

Metroid Fusion

I just borrowed this game from my friend.I played the Metroid games for the GameCube and they were cool. What i've heard is that this is a very good game. And it definately lives up to it. This game is full of upgrades for Samus. So far, im at the part where you have to beat "Nightmare"(some kind of machine/slime boss) that can control gravity.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

I bought this game on Saturday last week since me and my brother are big fans of Kindom Hearts for the PS2. It begins right were the first one left off(the last cutscene of the 1st one to be exact). I haven't really got to play it alot because my brothers been on it(he should almost be done with the game). What little i've played of it, the card battle system is ok, but i would prefer if the cards were not there.

Final Fantasy X

I just bought this game on Sunday. This is one of the best games I have ever played in my life! The story so far is well put together. The Sphere Grid changes the whole leveling up system. The graphics are pretty good for it's time (2001-2002). As a matter of fact, im about to go play the game now.......PEACE! :)

What Im Playing Now Vol.1

Ninja Gaiden

I had bought this game when it first came out (when I was 14). I was not ready for the difficulty of this great game. So I put it down for a long, LONG time (3 years to be exact). I just picked it up recently, and it is still HARD AS HELL! It only comes in 2 difficulty levels: Normal and Hard(Where's Easy For the Noobs?). This game does a good job of making you fell "BadAss".

Halo 2(On Heroic Co-Op)

Me and my bro decided to play Halo 2 on Heroic (I would have played in on Legendary, but my Bro can't handle it). So far, so good. He hasn't become one of those people that you have to save evry time they are being atttacked so it gives me freedom to focus on what im doing. Barely on the 3rd level. We will probably resume playing tommrow.

Cold Fear

This game reminds me alot of Resident Evil 4. What im trying to say is it's a poorman's Resident Evil 4. There are some issues with the game though like saving points. The game picks out saving points for you(basically checkpoints). The AI isn't all that good either, but it will have to do. There is also NO maps! With the lack of some sort of manual save system and the lack of time I have, I barely have a chance to reach a checkpoint and enjoy the game.

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