Pulse Racer got a 1 at OXM. "Imagine a really good racing game then take every interesting or fun element of it and replace it with a tragic thought.... like the death of a beloved pet.... that's pulse racer folks" I dont know if that is exactly right but I have a pretty good memory of it since it was my first OXM and that reivew had me laughing.
My personal worst games on the orignal Box?
Advent Rising: Game was Borderline Broken
Batman Dark Tomorrow: Again Border line Broken
Brute Forece: Boring and Repetitive
Sudeki: Even the name sucks
Halo 2 (Campaign) Not fun at all on single player, very boring and uninteresting.
Sith Lords: Was solid... up till the end where everything just falls apart.
Warrior Within: Should of known looking at the box that I was in trouble.
Batman Vengance: Awful Platforming elements
Fable: How can we call this an RPG?
No particular order, if I would say what was the absolute worse.... I'll give that to Dark Tomorrow I still have nightmares about that. I'll also admit games like Halo 2, Sith Lord's ect were not technically broken like Advent Rising and Dark Tomorrow but... I pretty much got the same amount of displeasure out of playing them.
those were some GOOD games
alot of people didnt like Advent Rising but it was a good game 2 me, i like how he had 2 powers it was pretty solid 2 me, i wish they re-did it for the 360
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