Mass would be good even though the PS3 does not need it. I heard lots of 360 titles are switching sides. Just look at Ninja Guiden Sigma2
Superman559cali's forum posts
Sony and its PS3 are number one in terms of quality system and graphically advanced games. Just look at Uncharted2
if you want the COMPLETE package get the PS3 PS3 has the most games ranked 9.0+ and higher by It also has better exclusives. Do you really want to shoot down green and purple aliens? Forget about it
Here are the games the PS3 has to offer now and in the future
If you're into the Halo more than the Killzone type of FPS then you'll love Resistance 2. also there are: most of these are and will be 9.0+ exclusives to the PS3
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
MotorStorm:Pacific Rift
and plus we're getting:
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
God of War III
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
Mod Nation Racers
The Last Guardian
Agent- from the creators of Grand Theft Auto-
If you have any questions regarding which system you should get or game related send me a personal message at
thanks and see ya later
Actually PC gaming is dieing
Always have to upgrade the specs on the PC with this horrible economy.
Console gaming is here to stay.
xbox live stimulates the economy..doing its part to help it get better.PSN is a free service which makes the economy worse and not only does it not encourage people to spend money on the 360, but it encourages people to save money by buying the PS3...and we don't need any savers during this recession....we need spend spend spend!AngryFoxspending is what got us into this whole recession thing. People wanted to spend more than they had;so the went to their banks and got money. When the bank asked "wheres my money" the people did not know what to do? Now the people are in debt which makes the bank debt and that also affects the people who put money in the bank in the first place. See how this is all one big circle.
PS3 exclusive titles look better than any exclusive that the XBox360 has.
Do not get me wrong the 360 graphics are good.
On multiplatform games 360 has the edge
KillZone2 is my favorite
Just my opinion do not flag me if you have something to say to me
please type it
do not snitch
PS3 has already won this gen in terms of quality games.
The PS3 will also win in sales by the end of this gen.
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