@Drilbit777 @Superman_legend @pwc2 I know what you mean my dumb self upgraded my xbox 360 with 250gb which I never use now. Like I said no good exclusives. Now I got PS+ and I wish I upgraded my PS3 instead. Might have to do a manual hard drive install one day. I have a VITA so it saved me a lot on that end plus some games not that big on ps3. But I really want to play Infamous 2 but don't have the room.
@pwc2 from what I'm seeing how PS3 turn out vs Xbox it will. Microsoft acts like being online is everything. $50 just to play online that's crap. PS+ on the other hand has saved me hundreds of dollars in the 4 months I've had it. Microsoft hasn't seem to do anything very well lately since windows 7 and that's only after messing up with Vista. Considering that barely have any good exclusives and I have a PC looking like PS4 is the only interesting console especially since I have a Vita.
Booker sound relieved at the end. Like he was happy to see Anna again. So maybe Elizabeth sent him back before it happened, either way they destroyed Comstock so they will live happily together.
@slonekb05 I know right the last nfl2k5 beat madden silly EA had to buy the entire nfl gaming license to stop them. Still my most played nfl game ever. EA basketball is even more horrible and 2k killing them in that so bad they may as well quit. EA sucks they just buy out the competition instead of truly improving.
I love Nintendo first party games as much as the next guy but defending Nintendo for every limitation or failure on there part will never make them better. Imagine if they could make simple things work like online play, use better hardware, and decent online social system with their creativity how far would they go. Wii U limitation are showing right from the start on something that's not really innovate (a tablet).
Doesn't really matter to me but it does again show Wii U limitation by going with a cheaper GPU and other parts. The tablet isn't multi-touch either. Even more scary is its a 1st party game which shows they are even limiting themselves with what they envisioned. Yes making a cheaper console results in more hardware sales but not game sales overall. I feel they should make a Wii Casual and Wii Hardcore lol.
Superman_legend's comments