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Ocarina of Time is still the most impressive game I've ever played

So late last night (like, 3 in the morning late) I finished my first playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. After kicking Ganon's ass, sending him to the Sacred Realm, and enjoying the final, beautiful scenes at the end I realized that this still might be my favorite game of all time.

I first played Ocarina of Time when I got the Zelda Collector's Edition disc for my Gamecube after I subscribed to Nintendo Power in early 2004. I never owned an N64, and at the time I wasn't really a Zelda fan. Previously I had only played the original Zelda as a little kid and played as Link in Super Smash Bros. and Soul Calibur II. I will never forget the day that Collector's Edition disc came in the mail and I will never, ever forget playing OoT for the first time. I vividly remember how I felt when I first stepped onto Hyrule Field, the first time I entered the market and that catchy music started playing, and the first time I pulled the Master Sword from the stone. This game and that Collector's Edition disc made me a Zelda fan for life.

The whole game is just so beautiful and brilliant. The dungeons are ingenius, the controls are perfect, the music is phenominal, and the graphics and scope are just amazing even today. My favorite part of the game, however, is the story. In my honest opinion, the story of OoT is the best ever told in a video game. The dialogue is excellent and the music that accompanies all of these moments really brings the whole thing to life. Every time Sheik would talk to me and her theme song would begin playing, I immediately just became entranced in the beauty of the game. And the ending of the game is still the best ever. Ganondorf's final words are still haunting to me, and the scene between Link and Zelda at the end is incredibly beautiful and moving.

This is a bit of a random blog I know, but it's just that after beating OoT 3D last night I began reflecting on just how incredible this game is. I have never and probably will never be able to pick my favorite game of all time, but Ocarina of Time is probably the closest to that title. No other game as ever had such a lasting effect on me after I've beaten it.

What game to buy next? Decisions decisions....

Yo yo yo peoples what's up? Ok, to start off I have a bit of bragging to do.

I got the SoulCalibur V platinum trophy! :D

Hardest, most time consuming platinum trophy I've earned to date. My final playtime when I got it was 83 hours, and there were a handful of tedious and pain in the ass trophies, but I got it!

Anyhoo, onto the main reason for this blog post. I'll put it simply, I don't know what game to buy next. I have been debating the following games:

Resident Evil: Revelations

Tales of the Abyss

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D OR Metal Gear Solid HD Collection


I honestly can't decide, and there are two major issues here too. For starters, I have heard that Tales of the Abyss is in very limited supply. So far I have only seen a couple of copies at my local Gamestop and that's it, and the price of the game is already going up online. So I feel as though I should get it sooner rather than later. The other issue is MGS. I really want Snake Eater 3D for all its awesome features and portability, but for the same price I could get Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and get MGS3 HD as well as MGS2 and Peace Walker. I'm pretty torn there

Resident Evil: Revelations looks awesome, and I've played the demo of SSX and that's pretty sweet too, not to mention I was a big fan of the old ones on Gamecube.

So yeah, please give me some advice! I want to purchase one of these games in the next week or so to stave off my extreme bordem as of late :P

SoulCalibur V early impressions

Sup yo. Earlier today I went out and picked up my copy of SCV! SoulCalibur is my favorite fighting game series ever so I was definitely excited for this one. Here are my early impressions.

First thing I did was play through the story mode. It's only a couple of hours long, but it was very entertaining and the story, characters, and dialogue were all excellent. Definitely was an improvement over the "story mode" in SCIV.

Beyond story mode I've only played a couple of arcades, which of course is pretty much the same thing as it's ever been. This time around you can actually take different routes in arcade mode and fight different enemies, which gives it some nice variety.

I have yet to play online but from what I hear it is very smooth and better organized that SCIV's online mode. I will dive into the online mode next.

So far SCV is about as great as I expected. I really like the new characters, and character creation mode is much more robust this time around. I can't wait to keep playing SCV and I'll let you guys know my final verdict!

Where are you, Mega Man?

Did you hear? Mega Man is going to be playable in the new Street Fighter X Tekken game! It's gonna be so awesome, I can't wait to...

... wait, who the hell is that?

That, my friends, is Mega Man. That's right, Capcom has decided to add a fat version of the horrible looking, middle-aged goof on the cover of the original Mega Man game for NES to the Street Fighter X Tekken roster.

Are you kidding me Capcom!?

First they cancel Mega Man Universe, then they cancel Mega Man Legends 3, then they don't include Mega Man in either version of MvC3, and now THIS?? This is the Mega Man we fans are getting after he's been gone for the last two years? This is a complete joke. I know there are some people that think this is just really cool fan service, and part of me wants to agree with that, but I can't help but feel that Capcom is just giving us the middle finger here.

Seriously, where is the real Mega Man at? The last big Mega Man release I can think of was Mega Man 10, which of course was just an 8-bit homage to the original series. It just seems like the last five years or so Mega Man has been mostly missing. Capcom last year cancelled BOTH of the big Mega Man games that were in production, and there are no new Mega Man games coming out that we know of. They could have AT LEAST given us a GOOD version of Mega Man for Street Fighter X Tekken! Mega Man NES? No. Mega Man X? Nope. Mega Man Volnutt? No way. The stupid looking Mega Man on the cover of the original game? Oh hellz yeah!

No Capcom. Hellz no is my response to that.

I know this has turned into a bit of a rant, but it really upsets me. I love Mega Man. I'm sick of not getting any new good Mega Man games lately. I don't know if Capcom is hard at work on some new Mega Man games behind closed doors or if they really are just trying to kill him off. It's starting to worry me.

If any of you reading this are Mega Man fans, help me in trying to support the franchise and see if we can't get Capcom to listen to us and bring Mega Man back into the spotlight. Go download some Mega Man games, like Mega Man 9 and 10 on your Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360, or Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge on 3DS. Or maybe buy some of the several DS or PSP Mega Man games that are available. All I can say is that we need to show Capcom with our money that we love Mega Man and we want him back, because one of the all time great video game characters doesn't deserve to be treated as bad as he has been lately.

Where are you buddy?

Resident Evil 6 official / new profile theme

Wassup yo. So today Resident Evil 6 was made official for a November 20th, 2012 release! From what is known so far, the main characters will be Chris Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy, which is something fans of the series like myself have been waiting for. This is now one of my most anticipated games and I can't wait for it!

I have also changed my profile picture and blog banner to Tales of Symphonia characters. I recently starting playing ToS again for the first time in a long time. It's still to this day one of my all time favorite video games and it's been awesome playing through it again.

As far as upcoming game purchases go, I'll be getting both SoulCalibur V and Resident Evil: Revelations in the next few weeks.

Until later, peace out people!

Mario Kart 7 first impressions

Yo peeps! Just picked up Mario Kart 7 earlier today for my 3DS!

So far it's fantastic. I've played through 4 50cc grand prix's so far, and I'm really digging all of the tracks I've played thus far in the game. Rock Rock Mountain is probably my personal fav so far, and the game also brought back some of my past favorite tracks, like Waluigi Pinball and Daisy Cruiser.

The controls are perfect (like always) and the new flying and swimming mechanics are awesome. The graphics might be the best on the 3DS so far as well.

So far, MK7 is an awesome game and worthy of the Mario Kart name. Can't wait to play more. I haven't tried the online yet, which I've read is incredibly robust.


Happy Turkey Day!

Eat a ton of turkey, mashed potatos, pie, and all that good stuff. Then poop it all out later. Don't forget to play some awesome games between your meals and football games! I'm still playing Uncharted 3! :D Laters.

Purchased Super Mario 3D Land, and currently revisiting Twilight Princess

What up guys? Just a few updates on my current gaming.

I got my copy of Super Mario 3D Land today, and it's pretty killer! It's a perfect hybrid of Super Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros., and it's just incredibly fun to play. Not to mention it's my first 3DS game since I got Ocarina of Time 3D way back in June, and is only my second 3DS game so far. My third will be Mario Kart 7 next month (I can't freaking wait for that one), and I'm hoping to get Star Fox 64 3D sometime before the end of the year.

I am also replaying Twilight Princess before Skyward Sword comes out. I haven't played this game in YEARS, not since I first beat it back in early 07! I had forgotten how amazing this game was. My goal is to finish it by the time Skyward Sword comes out this weekend (which will be tough since I'm only about 3 hours in so far!). If I don't finish it in time for Skyward Sword's release, then I guess SS is just going to have to wait a few more days, because I'm not letting myself play SS until I finish TP first, mainly because I was so long overdue for replaying this game! And if I get SS before I'm done with it, I probably won't end up finishing TP...

One last thing, I've nearly got my 11th platinum trophy on my PS3 with Uncharted 3! Just have to find a couple dozen more treasures and finish the game on Crushing!

Hope all of this bored you enough :P Laters!

Beat Uncharted 3! My impressions (minor spoilers!)

Minor story spoilers ahead!

Just last night I finished the story mode in Uncharted 3, and it was great. However, I must say it didn't surpass the second game's story for me personally. There just didn't seem to be as many "OMG! Did that just happen??" moments in it, and it just didn't quite have as much of an overall epic feel to it like U2 did.

Another thing that U2 has over U3 is better characters and character development. In U3, Drake, Sully, and Elena are as awesome as ever, but I can't say the same for the others. Chloe, who I think stole the show in the second game, barely got to do anything in this one. Heck, before you even hit the halfway point in the game she's already done in the story and you don't see her again. As for the new characters, they were just ok. I really did like Charlie Cutter, but just like Chloe, he's out of the picture before you're even halfway through the story. The villains were only ok as well. Katherine Marlowe just wasn't as compelling of a villain as Lazarevic was, as proven by the fact that the secondary villain, Talbot, I actually felt was more the main villain than she was. Not to mention the way they both go out is just, underwhelming. There wasn't even an epic boss fight at the end, just a fistfight (which was cool, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't nearly as great as the boss fights in the last two games).

I really did like how we find out a lot more about Drake and Sully's past in this game though, and the game really puts a lot of emphasis on their relationship. I particularly liked the flashback scene at the beginning when you play as young Drake. What I didn't like though was the lack of explanation in Drake and Elena's relationship. During the story, you can tell that something bad happened between them, but it's never really explained what it was. One of my favorite moments in the game was when Drake shows up at her apartment in Yemen beaten, battered, and bruised, and Elena thought she had lost him. Drake rests his head on her lap and says "I'm sorry", and Elena replies "I know". But you never really find out what it is he's sorry about. This was probably intentional, but I would have liked an explanation.

Even with all these complaints, I still loved the game. It was probably wrong of me to expect the story to be above or even on par with the second game (seriously, U2 was probably one of the toughest acts to follow in video game history), so I can't say I'm too disappointed. There were some truly incredible moments, and the story was compelling, just like the first two games. I loved the game, and I can't wait to play through it a couple more times and get the rest of the trophies. Oh, and of course there's a huge multiplayer mode that I can't wait to really start diving into as well :)