1. Selling my Dual Shock 1998 edition PS1 and 65 games (including suikoden 1 and 2, black label final fantasy 5 through 9, persona, legend of legia, mega man legends 1 and 2, sotn, RE1-3, Tomb raider, road rash 3d, loaded ..etc...) for a whopping $100 ....lol.
- Some of those games are worth double that alone. And I wish I never sold it. I got most of them back on PSN, playable on my psp, vita and ps3, but my god I loved that system. It sucks but I needed rent money back in 2001 :(
2. Lending a "friend" my Turbo Graphix-16 and 35 games back in 1991, only to find out that his parents split up and he moved to a new state that week. I never got my system back :( .... we used to lend game systems to each other back in the 1980s so it wasn't a wierd thing to do... I am still salty over that.. I want my 1st ed TG16 damn-it!!!!
3. Having someone break into my apartment back in 1997 and steal my Nintendo Entertainment system with all the games.. along with my Genesis, and all the games, (and a full rack of CDs.) I never did replace them.
Yeah I had bad luck with game systems... Back then I "partied" a lot so it was bound to happen by some degenerate jerk...
4. Going to a co-workers house in 2008 and playing the wii.... I wound up being drunk and found one in the store that night (which was rare thing back then) and bought it. I played it for around 2 weeks with my then girlfriend and friends and then put it on the shelf. I got a ps3 to compliment my pc when GTA4 and MGS4 came out and the wii never got touched again. I sold it and 5 games back to gamestop the next year.
- the regret was not selling the wii, it was buying a console while intoxicated and not thinking it through....
5. Selling off my old pcs.. I had a 8088 4color ibm pc, a apple iic, a 386sx with the "MPC" version of windows 3.0 which came with cd versions of Ultima Underworld and Wing commander 2.... , back when bbs's were the only online.... Also a 486 and Pentium 2, then 3 with Voodoo 2 then Voodoo 5 pci cards.... ahh Quake 3 and Unreal Tornament ran like a dream on 3dfx hardware! Loved that era! That occured right after the PS1 jrpg golden age imo...
So many gaming regrets.... I won't even get into buying crap jrpgs on PS3 because there wasnt any good ones back in 2008.. Whoever told me cross-edge was a good game needs to find a new hobby!
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