Today me and my friend have to teach a fourth graders. Thay are crazy. First leson was physical culture. Nothing bad happened on it. Boyswas playingbasketball and girls was playing with jump-ropes and with hula-hoops. Second leson was lithuanian language. That i can say about it. Kids was very active. Then i ask questions they say answers together. Was very big noise. :lol: That kids can't stay though a few minutes quietly. The last leson was mathematics. My friend had to go. Instead her, i teach with another friend. He had a water gun. Then someone make a noise or do something bad, my friend wet downkids. Starts the third world war. :lol:After that inclasroom was a lot of pools. Yap, it was fun day :)
P.S. I found this in deviantart. i like wolfs.
Goodnight, Lina.
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