@evil_m3nace @thedevildweller @Sw1tched Nicely said ... i have been gaming for 25 years. I guess i really have grown tired with "interactive" stories, albeit well written and well acted. I really only enjoy sandbox titles where i can do what i what with freedom of my own personality and imagination. Like Far Cry to a point, and elder scrolls and GTA
i was bored of the game in 1 hour as soon as i realized it's on rails and i just choke people out and sneak .... rinse and repeat. Thats as far as i made it .... now i just skip ahead in "Let's plays" on youtube to see all the hype i missed
If they would make a adventure rpg like skyrim/oblivion and let me play with a friend with drop in drop out ability (say 4 people max), i would pay $100 for the game. To be able to adventure in the vast free roaming world hunting and gathering, would be the best game i could imagine.
I love single player so don't bitch about "This should only be single player" ... it can be both, just don't let anyone play with you
Sw1tched's comments