@alrepairs I agree, but developers, analyst's and critics have dogged this system since it was announced ... I personally don't remember a system in history that had this much resistance from a TOP hardware developer. Most final reviews don't prove those opinions/reviews wrong. It really is inferior tech. They once again just tried to stick with "innovation" again as the gimmick. I don't think people (well "as" many knowledgeable people) falling for it again as with the Wii. Games and parents are getting smarter and making intelligent decisions with there money. Heck, I have hated X-box so bad for 10+ years, was a PS3 fanboy. I finally woke up and saw strengths in both systems and finally acknowledged the flaws in the PS3. 15 years in and Sony can't rest on it's laurels for ps4 and think i am a guaranteed buyer. We all are making smarter decisions, and Nintendo made a bad one with this system. IN MY OPINION
This sucks ... i never read all these for reviews or lame previews that the web could give me in seconds. I read it for professional gaming journalism about inside the industry happenings and stories. They were fun to read and interesting to read the articles and interviews about devolpers and game designers ... this sucks hard
stopped caring about Bethesda and skyrim since they don't know how to make a game for a system (PS3) thats been on the market for 6 years now ... they should go visit rockstar or naughty dog if they need help. Wheres the other dlc for ps3 first????
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