@heqteur: No kidding. It's usually people with social anxiety who just rant from their bedrooms to feel better about themselves. The game is beautiful, fun, worth $60.
Masterpiece? no ... live up the the hype? Maybe for some.
@Triton: I swear the internet has made people more concerned with jumping online and voicing there disgust or praise before they even give the game 10 hours. Usually in all caps!
My god people ... who gives a shit. It's a Video Game. Can't we all just play them and have fun? So you have to wait a few days for patches and server issues. Also, we are all so quick to get the game give it 3 hours, and can't wait to then jump online into the the review pool and say " THIS GAME SUCKS!!" or "HOLY HELL AMAZING" ... Jesus. There is very few things that can give you hours and hours of entertainment for $60. Just play the damn things and relax.
The game is beautiful, a technical marvel no doubt. Visuals, scope and imagination all live up to the hype. But I was unaware it's a grinding resource Fest of survival.
Ok, so Fallout 4 which was made for PS4 ran like complete shit most of the time and the FAR HARBOR expansion was even worse. So i assume this massive remake (pc modders already made better) of a game no one asked for at all will run like shit on PS4? Bethesda really sucks with Playstation platforms ... And i am Sony fanboy talking like this .... After spending $24 on Far Harbor to be buggy as hell and run absolutely awful ... i might take this if it was FREE on PSN in a year or used copy at a game-store for $5. I learned my lesson with Skyrim on PS3, then Fallout 4 on PS4 ... Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice i'm a moron. So 3 will not happen, sorry.
@leeko_link: Yes but thankfully it was restored back to my channel in a matter of days thanks to the Internet exploding the story. Seth MacFarlane himself even looked into it on his twitter
Well, that was my video, and I am the owner of the "Sw1tched" channel. I was astounded by how many articles, websites, forums covered this in a matter of days. Shocked to see Seth MacFarlane himself address it on his twitter and even look into it. Well I'm just glad I got my video back! I have been on GameSpot for going on 10 years and it's awesome to see a story of me make it on here!
As you can see my name matches that channel also lol
thumbs down (with fart sounds). I'm all for hardcore elements like this, but if i am stuck with little healing options, low ammo and a few guns, then only if the enemies are WAY more killable with scaled down health. If i snipe a raider and spend time making sure my exits are clear incase it goes wrong, they better die with 1 well placed shot or something to that effect. You can't put me in a gun fight with someone who takes 20 shots to kill who has 90% targeting accuracy on you because they are NPC with no save, low ammo and healing. I like the no fast travel, save in beds only.
Sw1tched's comments