I have all 3 on PS4, and while I haven't tried the single player for BF4 or CoD yet I would have to think that they're better than killzone. I've never wanted to sell a game so quickly after buying it. It's just boring and the multiplayer feels like it's tried to copy halo and gears of war.
Swedish_Chef's forum posts
I've yet to turn mine off since launch. Guess I'll be the test subject on how long it lives if it's only ever in standby.
Has anyone fully installed any of the games on PS4 and if so did it run much quieter?
I was trying to find the option to do that, but I couldn't find it. Is that even still possible like it was on the PS3?
It's interesting how the Turtle Beach website lists ALL of their wireless headsets as PS4 compatible, when Sony themselves said that unless it's specifically released for PS4 it will not be supported. Talk about trying to trick people into buying up all their garbage inventory.
I've had that issue too. I'm pretty sure it's PSN, it corrected itself the next time I went to look at the trophies.
I want my console to play games. I don't need to talk to my TV to change channels or to skype with anyone. I don't need netflix, hulu, or any other video/music service. It should be the best it can be at playing games. That's it. I'd be happy if MS focused on all that other crap and sony focused on their games.
Well I don't know about your headset, but if it's wireless it will probably never work for the PS4. From their FAQ
Headsets - Bluetooth - (Support) NO - Headsets that are currently commercially available are incompatible
However if your headset is USB it will work once they patch the system.
NEW wireless headsets designed specifically for the PS4 will work in the future following a patch, and the Sony Pulse Wireless headsets that are currently available will also be patched to work in the future as well.
Will Wireless Stereo Headset and PULSE wireless stereo headset – Elite Edition, which are currently sold for PS3, work on PS4 at launch in North America? What about other wireless headsets?
PS4 will support the Pulse Wireless Stereo Headset and Pulse Wireless Stereo Headset – Elite Edition following an upcoming PS4 system software update. Existing wireless headsets from third-party companies that use a Bluetooth connection will not be supported on PS4, though most USB headsets will be supported following PS4
PSN justifying paying $50? How about the free games they give you with every collection, unlike XBLA they actually give you games that came out within the same year plus deals on PSN and indie games.
Those games aren't free, they're rentals
And yet they are free...
As for the OP Sony doesn't have to do any of that to compete with MS. Everything you're asking for would basically make the PS4 an Xbone, which if you want all those cheesy features you should just buy an xbox. If Sony delivers better exclusives and higher quality multiplatform games than MS they will do just fine in this generation.
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