yeah but you lose alll the card slots? go down to two usbs? and really the reason i got it is so that it could help me build my libary i sold my ps2 now if my ps3 breaks im sol
Swift18's forum posts
Apparently the 40gb is going to be the only model now
Apparently the new 40gb wont have the card slots, or much of any thing. While the 80gb and 60gb will be the last of their breed. I realllly hope this is just a stupid Sony rep from england not knowing what hes talking about again because other wise thats just a scary thought. Like what about the Deal with Epic? Cant trasnfer any thing to the ps3 then unless its done usb then. You cant play ps2 games? This has to be wrong they must have more versions a entry a moderate and a elite
Otherwise thats gonna kill the appeal of the system
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