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#1  Edited By Sword-Demon
Member since 2008 • 7007 Posts

Haven't been to GS for a few months.

How have things been? anything new?

EDIT: It seems that things have slowed down a lot since I left. :/

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#2 Sword-Demon
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@madsnakehhh said:

@scottpsfan14 said:

The only good anime ever made. Fact.

This. A thousand times this.

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#3 Sword-Demon
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Yes sir!

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#4 Sword-Demon
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@LJS9502_basic said:

@Sword-Demon said:

@LJS9502_basic said:

@Sword-Demon: I haven't been paying much attention to the entire event I will admit. That said.....first taking what someone's ex says as fact is never the right course. Relationship break ups can be ugly. And I have seen users on this site complaining how horrible she is because she had sex with five guys. If it were a guy having sex with five girls....they'd be applauding him. Double standards suck.

As for her relationships.....are this absolutely all factual or fabrication? Anyway in any industry the journalists that cover it are going to have some sort of relationships with those they cover. Hell in gaming look how many leave journalism to join a development company. Not sure what she worked on......how good it was....or how it was rated but considering it's indie I doubt it's a major title. But if we are going to remove personal relationships from journalism then we can't read reviews of anything anymore.....that includes other forms of entertainment.

I just think the entire thing is silly and people should give it a rest. And I wasn't talking about you here by the way.

The Zoe Post was confirmed to be true. The guy had chat logs where she admitted to it, and the people she slept with also confirmed.

I think the whole "it's ok for guys to cheat, but not girls" double standard is a myth (at the very least it's over-exaggerated). I've seen threads here at GS where a guy admits to cheating. There are no internet-high-fives or applause. People are offended by that kind of thing and they let him know he's a horrible person. This isn't about men vs. women and idk why people are trying to force it to be.

Yeah, the whole relationship / conflict of interest thing was covered in the interview I mentioned before (link!)

I wasn't talking about cheating. I was talking about comments I read vis a vis sexual partners.

Oh, just general promiscuity? yeah, that's an unfortunate double standard, but I don't see how it applies to this issue.

Gamergate took issue with her because she slept with a journalist who gave her positive coverage, not because she slept with 5 guys.

If people were criticizing her solely for being promiscuous while encouraging that kind of behavior from men, then all I can say is that they're hypocrites and that Gamergate as a movement doesn't condone that viewpoint, or rather that GG has no stake in that issue as GG has nothing to do with gender.

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#5 Sword-Demon
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@LJS9502_basic said:

@Sword-Demon: I haven't been paying much attention to the entire event I will admit. That said.....first taking what someone's ex says as fact is never the right course. Relationship break ups can be ugly. And I have seen users on this site complaining how horrible she is because she had sex with five guys. If it were a guy having sex with five girls....they'd be applauding him. Double standards suck.

As for her relationships.....are this absolutely all factual or fabrication? Anyway in any industry the journalists that cover it are going to have some sort of relationships with those they cover. Hell in gaming look how many leave journalism to join a development company. Not sure what she worked on......how good it was....or how it was rated but considering it's indie I doubt it's a major title. But if we are going to remove personal relationships from journalism then we can't read reviews of anything anymore.....that includes other forms of entertainment.

I just think the entire thing is silly and people should give it a rest. And I wasn't talking about you here by the way.

The Zoe Post was confirmed to be true. The guy had chat logs where she admitted to it, and the people she slept with also confirmed.

I think the whole "it's ok for guys to cheat, but not girls" double standard is a myth (at the very least it's over-exaggerated). I've seen threads here at GS where a guy admits to cheating. There are no internet-high-fives or applause. People are offended by that kind of thing and they let him know he's a horrible person. This isn't about men vs. women and idk why people are trying to force it to be.

Yeah, the whole relationship / conflict of interest thing was covered in the interview I mentioned before (link!)

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#6 Sword-Demon
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@LJS9502_basic said:

Eh I read the entire thing. You should as well before commenting.

Yeah, that's fair.

After reading the entire damned thing, I see what was meant by the second paragraph, with this being the main explanation:

Quinn’s detractors quickly found themselves on the receiving end of some well-justified scorn for how they had collectively conducted themselves. They realized that, in order to gain any sort of foothold into legitimacy, they would have to shift focus away from “Zoe Quinn is an awful person” as their mantra, as too many of their members could not resist dragging Quinn’s irrelevant sexual exploits into the discussion. Instead, they attempted to seize on the one kernel of The Zoe Post that might conceivably serve as a springboard for objective critique: Zoe Quinn once dated a video game journalist.

Seriously. That’s all they had.

I do take issue with that statement (which I'll get to later on), but all the same, I take back what I said before.

But after reading the rest, I did find a plethora of other issues. I guess I'll start from the beginning. (don't take this as being specifically directed at you, LJ, it's toward the author and to those who agree with its points, or to whomever it may concern.)

"The campaign is, in truth, an effort to fold in, rehabilitate, and retroactively justify a previous campaign of blatant gender-based harassment against a female videogame developer for the capital offenses of having (a) a vindictive ex-boyfriend and (b) friends within the industry."

This is simply not true. If you'd take 2 minutes to look into what Gamergate is / has been doing, you'd see that it opposes harassment of any kind and does a pretty good job of policing itself when its members do take things too far. I certainly won't say there has been no harassment, as any group of substantial size is going to have a few dumbasses regardless of the nature of the group, but the amount of harassment has been vastly overestimated and the nature of it has been misinterpreted.

"GamerGate is a campaign run by people who don’t understand what a real conflict of interest actually is."

Gamergate actually isn't run by anyone, but it's worth noting that there are professional journalists in the movement, and there have been interviews with professors of journalism stating that what has taken place is most certainly a conflict of interest and there is a severe lack of ethics in gaming journalism.

"#NotAllGamers, you say? Tough. Welcome to the word of open-invite politics, where anyone who lays claim to a movement is technically part of that movement. See also: the Tea Party. You live and die by your worst members, and right now, your worst members are utterly and openly putrid."

If there's any argument in this thing that could be considered shooting yourself in the foot, it's this one. The comments made by some of the anti-GG people have been absolutely horrible and misandrist. Since the people making these comments consider themselves to be SJWs, does that make the entire SJW movement horrible and sexist? No. Personally, I think a movement is defined by its majority, not by a dozen loud trolls.

"GamerGate, at its core, is about a woman being denied sexual agency."

I actually haven't seen a single person saying that people can't bang anyone they want (anyone feel free to prove me wrong); Gamergate only takes issue with relationships when they are between a journalist and his/her subject. If a journalist is too close to a subject, then they shouldn't write about them; it's that simple.

"How easy would it have been for Kotaku et al. to run stories on The Zoe Post and rake in easy ad revenue thereby? They forfeited these opportunities, however, in the name of integrity and an attempt to elevate the collective image of the gaming industry – to show the world that we are not captive to sub-TMZ levels of malicious voyeurism."

Stating that Kotaku would do anything in the name of integrity is both hilarious and sad.

"She and those around her endured weeks of harassment and personal threats, made even worse by the suggestion that they not “feed the trolls” by fighting back against the torrential abuse."

Literally all she did was feed the trolls and insult Gamergate.. Did this person even look before typing out this nonsense?

"Quinn’s detractors quickly found themselves on the receiving end of some well-justified scorn for how they had collectively conducted themselves. They realized that, in order to gain any sort of foothold into legitimacy, they would have to shift focus away from “Zoe Quinn is an awful person” as their mantra, as too many of their members could not resist dragging Quinn’s irrelevant sexual exploits into the discussion. Instead, they attempted to seize on the one kernel of The Zoe Post that might conceivably serve as a springboard for objective critique: Zoe Quinn once dated a video game journalist."

If you'd actually look (or even just think about it), you'd see that this just doesn't make sense. The only reason there was such an outcry in the first place is because of the journalist-subject relationship. At any given time, you can come across a post by some random guy who had been cheated on by his gf - there is typically some sympathy for him, but no real commotion of any sort. Why would gamers suddenly become so angry at another such story, only to say, "oh, it's because of ethics!" when they get fussed at? No, from the very start you could see people saying "This isn't about her being a whore, this is about journalism."

"Do they think restaurant critics are not friendly with chefs? Film critics with actors? Music critics with musicians? Without relationships, there can be no reputation-building, no insight, no nuance or holistic understanding of subject matter."

Like I mentioned earlier, there have been interviews with Journalists and Professors of journalism who clearly state that what has happened is clearly a conflict of interest. There is a line, and it has been crossed many times over.

"Jeff Gerstmann got fired from GameSpot way back in 2007 after writing a middling review of Kane and Lynch, advertisements of which were plastered all over the website? Where was GamerGate back then?"

It was actually called Gerstmanngate...

The rest of the points are based on arguments I feel I've refuted.

Overall, it's based on misinterpretation, misdirection, and outright lies.

Ugh.. I'm going to bed now. Night, guys.

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#7 Sword-Demon
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@Aljosa23 said:

This is almost as absurd as saying StarCraft > Chess.

StarCraft > Chess.

There, I said it.

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#8 Sword-Demon
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Do you really have to link such a massive blog post and then post it in its entirety?

anyway, I'm not going to read that entire thing, but I will point out this:

@Jag85 said:

GamerGate has been disingenuously framed as a grassroots campaign of gamers “concerned with the quality and integrity of video game journalism.” The campaign is, in truth, an effort to fold in, rehabilitate, and retroactively justify a previous campaign of blatant gender-based harassment against a female videogame developer for the capital offenses of having (a) a vindictive ex-boyfriend and (b) friends within the industry.

GamerGate is a campaign run by people who don’t understand what a real conflict of interest actually is, and who would institute standards of disclosure and prohibition on reporting so restrictive as to essentially disqualify all actual journalists from the space. They sincerely believe that the mere act of patronizing a developer precludes one from objectively reporting on that developer - a standard more stringent than that found in political reporting, and for a field of journalism that is far less important.

Paragraph 1: Gamergate isn't really about ethics/integrity, they're just misogynists. (how original)

Paragraph 2: Gamergate is attempting to create higher standards for game journalists.

Don't you see how at odds even the first two paragraphs are?

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#9  Edited By Sword-Demon
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"it’s hard finding ways to empower yourself. This leads to a lack of empowerment, which in turn, is very disempowering."

Stopped reading there. This can't be real.

EDIT: oh, it gets better!

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#10 Sword-Demon
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because it's a multiplat. No one cares about multiplats.