Its a toss up on exclusives that are out now, while KZ2 looks slighty better than Gears 2 it took 5 years to complete with 3 times the budget (so I have heard). While multiplats generally look a little better on the 360.
OK so they are inflated. So are the PS2's numbers. Didn't stop the cows from claiming sales then. The 360 still has the highest attach rate of the consoles, if they are inflated numbers then that attach rate would be even higher. The 360 owns! :D
Right now as far as sales go, non of them are losing, they are all doing ok. If you compare sales this gen to last gen, Nintendo is the BIG winner as they gained the most market share, followed by MS who stayed in the middle gaining a little and then Sony who lost out Big time to the other 2. Speaking of consoles, that is.
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