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T1MBO Blog

What games should I get?

With my birthday money, i can afford to get three new games, i know i want Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 when that's released, but what else? PLEASE COMMENT, saying which games you recommend.

PS You can have a look at the games i already own in my Now Playing List.

My Birthday! Woop Woop Woop Woop!

Yes, i now have to put a new number where it says age on a sign up form. (: But don't be convinced i am going to tell you my age, oh no, i'm scared of pedofiles. (: But you can comment saying something like, "cool" or" happy bday" if you wish.

PS I'm not scared of pedo's, i'm just using that as an excuse. Although i have a feeling i should be scared of pedofiles.

A bunch of grumpy bysexuals on Xbox Live

Yeah, so i was hyper, that's no reason to down my percentage of people who've prefered me from 100% to 60%!

My advice: If you meet someone named TheWrongSoldier on Xbox Live, kick him ... in the balls (:

Mass Effect

I bourght Mass Effect, dumb idea, i don't normally like role playing games, but I thought i would give Mass Effect a go, and yes i don't like the boring long dialect parts, but i love the shooting parts, it blew me away. Definetly worth the 25 quid i paid for it! (:

Xbox LIVE #2

So i did get the year Gold Xbox LIVE membership in the end. *Phew* i was in trouble there! (;


My free Xbox LIVE month trial ran out today .. boo hoo ... no worries, i shuld get it renewed sometime today so expect a new blog post from me today named something along the lines of, "Xbox LIVE is back!"

My comment on WiirPS3's blog.

Want my advice on to get a 360 or PS3? It's all here - and in WiirPS3's latest blog post, so i've just copyed and pasted it from there, enjoy!

I believe that the PS3 have the same graphics as the 360, better in some cases, worse in some cases. Xbox live is better than the PS3 online, but Xbox Live costs money. Then again, PS3 costs more BUT it has blu-ray which takes up less memory space than a DVD but has exactly the same graphics sysytem. And the Xbox 360 has gamescore and you on live you can get cool stuff like xbox originals and (soon to be) movies. Choosing between the PS3 and the Xbox 360 is difficult, but I'd go for the Xbox 360, sorry WiirPS3 but the Xbox Live is truly amazing and Microsoft pays so much attention to detail in it. PS If you can't be arsed to set up Live, go for the PS3.

Level 11!

I'm proud that i've finally reached this level. Yes, i should've really celebrated level 10 which sounds like more of a landmark, but i couldn't be bothered. So i'm celebrating level 11 instead! (:

Guitar Hero III

My mate brought Guitar Hero III round to my house today. It was immense, i have never felt so much joy in playing music without learning a note. Nuff' said. Well, atchually, i don't think I have said enough, so read my review for more information on the joy that the third Guitar Hero game brings.

Turok/The Club #2

Turok or The Club?

Hmmph .. Turok or The Club?

Ahhhh, screw it! I'm getting Turok! ... and Devil May Cry 4. (: - And yes, landcrow, i will edit my review on DMC4 as soon as i can be bothered to do so. (: