I fear that their tactics to directly prevent sales of used games is causing them to become rather reckless, even somewhat lazy in terms of game quality. People will buy their game new because they have to. Remember when we bought games new because we wanted to? I was so excited to get FFVII, I could have bought it used, but I wanted it so badly that I wanted it new. From what I've been exposed to, most people are the same. Make your games better and consumers will want them immediately and, typically, new.
Blaster Master...I remember that game. You know what's funny? When I was driving the Mako in Mass Effect, it brought back memories of driving the vehicle in Blaster Master.
Develop better game quality, like you used to, and this won't happen so much. I still have games like FFVII, TR, SH, MGS, PE, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, Castlevania: SOTN, RE, etc. I bought them brand new, and never wanted to get rid of them. I still play them to this day. The average game of today, on the other hand, I never want to play more than once--maybe twice. There have even been a number of them that I had to push myself through. I just didn't find them to be fun. I keep asking myself, "Have I grown out of gaming?" Then I put in a classic like the original Splinter Cell, and end up playing through the entire game. The video game industry of today reminds me of the movie industry; I'll watch an old movie like The Godfather over the movies of today any time. This is why I'm less likely to buy a game new. It's why I rarely buy games immediately anymore. It's why I'm less likely to keep it. Which circles back to why people are so likely to buy it used. It's supply and demand. If a game is great, fewer will sell their copy, resulting in fewer used copies to buy. Additionally, people will be unwilling to wait for the price to drop.
Thank you, government. I'm not sure I can handle this myself. I need you to decide what's best for me. While you're at it, can you wipe my @$$? After all, you claim to know what's best for me. Maybe I've been doing it wrong all these years.
@ztg360, Credit card theft doesn't cost you anything. Report it to your bank, they will refund the fraud charges. In the end this costs us what? $0.00. What about gamers who purchased a launch Xbox 360--such as myself--who experienced RRoD before the console malfunctions were acknowledged and the warranty was extended? We had to buy a new console. Sony's error has cost me nothing but time. MS's error cost me an extra $300.00.
Is GS being bias much? I don't recall them being even remotely this critical of MS during the RRoD fiasco. When MS extended the warranty as an apology, GS forgave them. Sony provides free material as an apology, GS says "not good enough."
TC_Squared's comments