i will get, when i feel the need for it. So far i cant see anything that will need that kind of power for gaming. i will wait in the shadows till then lol.....................
What i hate about this is when they make DLC for a game before its even out and in this case lock it on a disk. Its like these characters should already be in the game, but the developers lock out a few characters and say it will cost to unlock them, after you bought the game. DLC should be made well after the game has been released, which adds more life to the game, Not make the DLC while the game is about to be released and lock it. The video from mega64 DLC The Game, is what will, if not is happening now with DLC and buy a game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h472NmF1HEQ&list=FLYzSA9UTibBE1I83Pot1fnA&index=1&feature=plpp_video