I'm quite a weired individual.
I am White. I like most Music, but mostly Hip Hop. Almost all my close friends are Black.
I wear Hip Hop cloths, I'm from a really bad neighborhood so I talk much more different than most people around me in the burbs.
My family is lower cl@ss We used to be extremely poor, like less than 5K a year family income.
I like to free$tyle Rap, and I love Women of all races, I find Puerto Rican girls usually the best, but it's all relevent.
For most of my white friends I seem to be some sort of "Portal" into the urban world and environment, and everyone calls me a gangsta and other ish.
However I read books alot, and I'm a nerd. I joke about it all the time...
Someone will be like... "Hey, what does the Gangster Dicsiples sign look like?"
I know what it looks like, I even know a few, but my typical responce would be like this.
"Hell naw, I don't know son. Imma ghetto nerd. If you wanna get at me with HTML or on how to customize your PC come back at me."
lol, I joke around like that.
Honestly I don't fit ANY steriotypes... Even the sub-cultures I fit into I don't fit it. I'm a computer nerd who didn't even know how to use a PC till a few years ago. I'm a W!gger thats popular with a sense of humor, but I prefer to spend my saturday nights reading a good novel, or posting on an internet Forum.
I speak with a "Ghetto" accent that I kinda try to cover up an hide, but I have a near genius IQ.
I wish more people were like me, instead of just being boring clones of one another.
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