I don't personally think it was a money issue. I can't fathom that Keifer Sutherland would cost Konami LESS money than keeping David Hayter on board. Seems to me Konami just wanted a big name American actor that they can use as a selling point. It just reeks of marketing, just another bullet point they can stamp on the back of the display box.
Exactly my thoughts. That said, Sutherland is a good voice actor, but I doubt I'll think of him as Snake. Yeah, he'll always be Jack Bauer to me.
I thought it was a good finale. There was really no way it could have topped last weeks episode but I was satisfied as far as the setup goes for next season.
I loved the bit with Joffrey basically jumping around with glee and Tyrion asking if he killed any puppies today. :lol:
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