[QUOTE="testfactor888"]I can't stand SeinfeldMkavanaugh77
Why not? For me , i find it funny because i can relate to alot of situations that are involved in the show. Plus the 4 main characters mesh so well with each other and each one are funny in their own way
Same for me. The side characters are perfect too.
I think Seinfeld and Arrested Development are both great like that.
I'm split between Lost, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, South Park (after they stopped killing Kenny every episode), Family Guy (since around 2008-present), Time and Eric, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Arrested Development.
[QUOTE="LZ71"]Seinfeld. Let the flaming begin. Buttons1990
I never really understood what made that show popular... I would flip on the TV and if that show was on, I would literally scramble to change the channel as quickly as I could... I just don't understand the appeal...?
Some random guy who lives alone? His crack addict neighbor...? His short fat friend...? Some lady who randomly talked to them...? Over and over? FOR NINE SEASONS?
WTF America?
Anyone who didn't get the appeal of Seinfeld really missed out. :)
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