The suprise these editors are showing borders on stupid. Sorry guys, but your the pro's; knowing Sony's history of promises vs. reality should be your job. Anyone who was even close to the industry in '99 heard amazing promises from Sony, from emotions in your games (hence the name), to online services that only Microsoft has just now started to provide. This is what they do! I really believe the Sony engineers are some of the best in the world, but the front office has made this SOP for selling their consoles. Promise the moon, down your competition at every turn, and then at the last possible moment spin the truth as "still in development". Editors, you're taking heat in some cases as "anti-Sony", well I challenge you to put together an article that shows the accuracy of these companies claims. Go after all 3, I'm sure M$ and Nintendo have dropped the ball too. My problem is, I don't think Nintendo got up one day and said, "lets have no 3rd party support for the Gamecube, that'll show 'em", but I sat through a presentation that was all about "don't buy a Dreamcast, because it'll never have a HDD that'll allow you to download movies and games!" That was the promise of the PS2, and the only reason you're seeing it in this generation is because of the positive reception of Xbox Live. Please, call them all on their claims, because they will all short change us as long as we let them, that's the common business practice these days with this industry, and only our dollars and vocal outrage will change that. If this redesign truly results in a price drop, and they don't just take the savings for the stockholders, I'll eat my words; but I'm not holding my breath.
1. Combat (Atari VCS)- the original pack-in. This is where the home console really started, and nothing wows guys that REALLY know there stuff like a perfect first year ATARI VCS (later 2600) with 2 joysticks, paddles, trackball, 50+ games and the first 3 years of Atari Age magazine next to your 60" HDTV all in the original Atari fake wood grained smoked plastic holding case. 2. Gyromite/Stack-Up (NES/Famicom)- technically 2 games, but lets not quibble. I've got the original import R.O.B. and both titles. 3. Lords of the Realm 1 and 2 (PC)- one of the first TBS-RTS hybrids. While the turn based parts aren't in the same class as Civ or AoE, and the real-time movement is a weak imitation of C&C and Warcraft, it's an addictive title thats fun as a single player or multiplayer game. It's old and barbaric by todays standards, but as much as it copies the best of each strategy type, the basis of todays best strategy stuff starts here. It's a real shame that LotR 3 dropped the ball and abandoned the heart and scope of the first 2. 4. Panzer Dragoon Saga - (Sat)- the greatest 32-bit RPG. Yeah, thats right, better than FF7, Dragon Quest, Baldur's Gate or anything else put out until that point, and maybe even to this day. If you don't believe me and you're SERIOUS about games, instead of blowing $70 on the next ho-hum Directors Cut title, pick up a used Saturn and PD1, 2(Zwei), and Saga. 1 and 2 are sweet old style shooters, but they're more than worth it. 5. Shenmue (DC)- forget reality TV, try reality gaming. Nothing says hard-core gamer like a reality/mystical/set in '80s Japan/Action RPG that plays like real-life work and still reigns as the most expensive game to make, ever. Peter Molyneux and Richard Garriott stand aside, the award for most ambitious undertaking belongs to Yu Suzuki.
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