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Tactician Blog
Sony loses Christmas in October.
by Tactician on Comments;title;1
This is another example of Sony losing all focus. My comments on the story:
PS3 is too hard to develop for and that is why they have these problems. Better hardware does not always mean a better system. You think they would have learned with the PS2. Ask any major development shop not owned by Sony and they all say the same thing. It's more difficult to develop for. Developers have semi - fixed timelines so they end up cutting features, stripping changes, dropping platform support and finally pushing back release dates. If Sony had a clue part of their getting back to basics would simply be focusing on developer support. As it is, they are 3rd in the console war and it looks like they are going to stay there.
More time does not equal better games for Sony.
by Tactician on Comments
Even though the devs have had over a year with PS3 it still stinks. In additon, if you think back to the Microsoft launch tities, they were all fast, fluid and great to look at. Sony is losing the console war.
Coffin Nails for Sony
by Tactician on Comments
They have to drop the price becuase North America is the big market and Sony cannot beat 360 and Wii. This is a sign of things to come.;title;3
Sony Still Owned!
by Tactician on Comments
Once Again Sony PS3 has been compared to the 360 and come back lacking. Ha ha!
I believe they will be able to get closer over time but the bottom line still is that the PS3 is harder to develop for and harder to produce results on. Even if the hardware were better (its not), they would still have problems with devloping games just like the PS2.
Sony in trouble with Blu Ray
by Tactician on Comments
I would guess the suit will result in a whole boatload more than 97 million if it is determined valid. One thing this may do, it may be enough to convince movie houses to go HD DVD instead. I mean look at Sony Beta and VHS. It happend before. It can happen again.;title;2
Sony Owned!!!
by Tactician on Comments
Xbox 360 trounces PS3 in all catigories except trees on tiger woods. Sure they may get better using the ps3 but that does not change that the sony developers seem to have that same problem over and over agian with a harder path to follow to make things work.
Ok Sony is seriously looking pathetic....
by Tactician on Comments
Sony is now predicted to not even make it though this console run. Sad.. but funny cause I hate them.
Once Again, PS3 Fanboys can realize that Sony oversold
by Tactician on Comments
At least Microsoft was honest about getting the emulation to work.
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