Tactis' forum posts
Sweet, I can't wait for this game. When's it come out again?1vgfan
February 08
Link: http://lostodyssey.jp/
the site takes a while to load up but once it does click on the movie part the ones that say "new" there should be two there they are so SWEET. Not gameplay but man if the game is anything like that CG we are in for a great game, also the music was amazing IMO.
I dont get where everyone is getting this from, they just announced a new bundle with the 360, they recently announced a price cut(in august) they also fairly recently extended their warranty(costing them 1B) they have signed on as sole publishers for some petty important games for next year for example Ninja Gadieon 2.
They also paid RockStar 50million dollars forDL content. They are working on Cry-on with mistwalker. They still have Lionhead and Rare working on fable 2 and Banjo 3 respectively. They still have Ensemble studios working on Halo Wars. They are funding Silicon Knights and their development of Too Human.
Bottom line all of those things cost lots and lots of money thats a lot of money down the toilet that could have saved if they were going to pull out of the console wars. For instance, if said company would be pulling out console war dont you think it would be a little stupid to just creat a new bundle for your "dieing console?" to extend the warranty for your "dieing console" wake up people.
wow this sucks
to all the mass effect on ps3 poster Microsoft owns the IP not Bioware
as to the news story i cant beleive they sold themselves out like that.
Now I have two option 1. core with extra hard drive 2. pro. Now my question is is there a performance differance between the two.Italiandude117
dont buy a core its soo not worth it
especially with the new bundled games the pro comes with its such a better value than the core http://www.gamespot.com/news/6180566.html
in summary
Hardrive+froza2+marvel UA+hdmi>>core
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