ummm since you have an SDTV is kinda pointless for you to get a ps3 i mean your paying more for a blue-ray player you wont use..
yes in likelihood nhl 08 will be smoother on the 360 than on the ps3 proof see the gamespot news where they talk about ea prioritising 360 over ps3
as far as mouse and keyboard.. ut3 is a special case none of the other ps3 games have been announced for that like haze hasn't said anything besides a controller...
as far as your choice in games fps their will be plenty this holiday season mostly multiplats, as far as exclusive shooters you have halo 3 and bioshock on the 360 vs. UT3 and haze on the ps3 side every other shooter is multiplat(and their is like 10 of them upcomming so you cant go wrong either way)
in summery, get a 360 because if you have SDTV its really pointless to pay more for a system with a next gen movie player you wont ever use, with $150 you save when you get the 360 buy more games with it..
if you want a good controller and games, go with the 360.
Go with the ps3 if you want free online and blu-ray movies.
umm not to be mean or anything but did you read his post where he said he has an SDTV? why the heck would he need blueray?
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