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Tails2000 Blog

More Games I have in my collection.

I have the following games in my collection:

1. Sonic Advance 2
2. Sonic Advance 3
3. Sonic Heroes (GC)
4. Sonic Adventure DX
5. Sonic Riders
6. Sonic Rush
7. Sonic Battle
8. Sonic Pinball Party

Those are more games in my collection.

No union invites please

I'm not allowed on message boards anymore (see previous blog post for reason). That's why I resigned from all the unions I was in, so if you send me one, I'll reject.

Sorry Guys

I can't go on message boards anymore because I have a few technical problems with my emotions. Archrivel, please take care of the union for me, as I choose you to be the leader. I'll still be on the site, but I just won't be going on the forums anymore.

On Christmas Day, I'll add no less than 15 games in my collection.

I'll start adding my games into my collection on Christmas Day. I'll add 15 or more games each day until my collection on GS is complete.

Here are 7 games that I have:

1. Earthbound
2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Donkey Kong 64
4. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
5. Shadow the Hedgehog (GC)
6. Sonic the Hedgehog (X360)
7. Sonic Advance


I've created a Blogger account. If you're a member, please make comments. Here's the link.
