hey guys i hope u had a good christmas. i got everything I wanted. and i already beat Sonic Rush Adventure and i finished waching my new box sets, South park season 10 and naruto season 5. and as promised here's another tribute. it's the kid foxes turn
Tails_Prower7 Blog
L death note tribute
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
Hi guys. ready for another character tribute. alright this time it L's turn. but don't worry if I didn't get to ur character,next week I will do one of them.it's just more people wanted L up here so here he is. light is my favorite from death note though8)
sasuke tribute
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
hello everyone how are u.? i have been think about what to get my friends for christmas. and I think i know now. they like sasuke and gaara from naruto, so i was thinking of getting them a plushie of one of those characters. it will be so cute
here some sasuke pics, because he is awesome, and next week i will do a different character. u can request one. i just thought it would be fun to have a anime character tribute every week, it's the uchiha's turn first:wink:
have fun everyone. and i am sorry if u are not a fan of sasuke. u can tell me who ur favorite anime character is if u want
hey everyone
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
Hi guys. whoo it is really cold at my place. oh and i changed my blog image, because the other seemed to weird, and i changed my profile image too, u can check it out. i think it looks better then my other ones. and i had fun talking to some of u guys on msn, like Mr_Manga. ok umm i don't really have much to say. well uhh I found this funny pic.
lol isn't it cool. guys just want to have fun :oops:
short quiz
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
Hi guys. how ya been? my big bro, is really getting obsessed with WoW, it's scary, i think it's kinda fun, but not good enough to not play anything else. oh yeah I seem to be getting better at rock band, all I do is the singing though, and my brother's always make fun of me cause i can't sing. lol but so do I. ok here is the link to my quiz, u can take it if u want, but u don't need too.
http://www.quizyourfriends.com/quizpage.php?quizname=071206181450-951621&good luck
oh and by the way, these guys are soo hot. :oops: just like me, j/k:P
aww. don't they look soo sweet:oops: i just want to hug them. lol
christmas theme
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
hey guys. it is getting closer and closer to christmas. but everytime christmas comes around someone gets sick. yeah, i have a cold. oh well do u guys like my christmas theme. i decided to change since theother look was getting old. and don't worry if u liked my other theme better, i will put it back up after christmas is over k:P. and i found a really cool pic of naruto for ya.
Have a great christmas everyone. and if u don't celebrate christmas, than happy holidays:)
rock band also my christmas list
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
hey everyone. sorry that i haven't been to some of ur blogs recently. I just went christmas shopping. my bro. just bought Rock Band, and it is probably really fun it comes with three instruments. drums, guitar, and the microphone. i have a sore throat so I can't play the micro phone, it is set up so that three people can make a band together. and it is from the same creaters as guitar hero which was an awesome game. but this isn't cheap. not at all. it cost my brother $120. and here is what i want for christmas. but i will be happy with whatever my family gets me:).
sonic rush adventure
South park season 10
Naruto season 5 that is all
my sonic collection
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
hey everyone. how are u guys doing, I feel great, i think it's because christmas is not too far away. just for fun, let me show u my sonic collection. i have a crap load of sonic games, cause i am a sonic fenatic:P
Sonic 1(genesis)
Sonic classics compilation(genesis)
Sonic and knuckles(genesis)
Sonic the hedgehog 3(Genesis)
Sonic Spinball(genesis)
sonic advance 2(GBA)
sonic advance 3(GBA)
sonic Adventure DX(Gamecube)
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle(gamecube)
Sonic heroes(gamecube)
sonic mega collection(gamecube)
Sonic gems collection (gamecube)
Sonic Riders(gamecube)
Shadow the hedgehog(gamecube)
Sonic and the secret rings(Wii)
Sonic the Hedgehog(PS3)
Sonic R(PC)
Sonic CD(PC)
and Sonic and Knuckles compilation(PC)
that is all i can think of. I still wish i could play Knuckles chaotix, because knuckles is my second favorite character
anyway what sonic game is ur favorite? and if u don't like sonic then what is ur favorite game:P
i am back
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
hey everyone. I am back and ready for some fun. well my trip to California was a hastle, especially getting on the plane and everything. but once we got there it was very fun, and my cousin had two very cute dogs, Shana and penny. i don't think Penny liked me very much cause she would chase me around the house. lol I played air hokey and lost terribly to my little bro. even though he's younger then me. i also lost to my cousin, sad isn't it? we also watched some movies, Cellular, Fast and Furious 2, the reaping, Chuck and Larry, spiderman 3, and another racing movie that's kinda like fast and furious because my uncle seems to like car races. and we played mononopoly witch i also lost terribly at. There was one game i posed a challenge on, that game was sorry i actually won twice on.:P It was kinda cold but not too bad. did everyone have a great thanksgiving? I hope so.
lol calm down sasuke and naruto, u each get ur fare share:P
by Tails_Prower7 on Comments
hey y'all Haven't blogged in awhile, and it is getting closer to my vacation to my cousins, yay. anyway today me and my family rented this movie called disturbia. it was awesome, It's about a serial killer who kills anyone who gets in his business. it's kinda scary. but the ending was a good one, none of my favorite characters were killed:) ok tomorrow me and my partner are going to have to some puppets for computer class, it's just some G@y project, but it's worth 500 pts. I will try my best not to let my partner down.
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