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TakingBackRufio Blog

Important**Rant about collections...

I'm kinda mad with people who put tons of games they obviously don't have in thier collections to make it bigger. It angers me as an extreme collector as well as a patron to gamespot. I saw some people even go as far as to add the same game three times(For each platform it was available on.) It really shouldn't matter to me, but people are cheating the system badly... If you agree lemmi know!


I got one and a half weeks off work because I booked it off for a tour my band was supposed to go on. The tour got cancelled but I forgot to unbook my time off... I got 2 weeks to play video games hardcore!

How many of my games I've beat...

I just tallied up how many games out of my collection I've beat. I currently have 224 games in my database... (Roughly about 230 if you count the straglers) but I only counted the collection I have on gamespot. Out of my 224 games, I've beated 85 of them... That's 38%... Quite pathetic if I do say so myself. I've decided to settle down from the purchasing and beat a few of my games.

Most beautiful ending EVER!

I finished Final Fantasy 8 tonight. I leveled up my main characters(Squall, Rinoa and Zell) and I got thier ultimate weapons. Then I spend a large time tracking down the last GF I had to get, Bahamut. I also stocked up on my spells. This took me about 3 and a half hours to do. I don't think it was worth it. I defeated the last boss in no time. The ending however, just b lew me away. It was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. Unlike Final Fantasy 7, things actually came to an end. I loved every moment of it.
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