@Mogan: Some of them search for every Destiny article Gamespot puts out just to post hate. They need a game in their lives because apparently they have a lot of non-game time to waste on forums.
@jayskoon93: Awww, wah. I got updates that I have to earn. Get grinding Chester. Now to play Devil's advocate: After owning a yacht, and office, multiple warehouses, a fleet are expensive cars, military hardware and luxury helicopters... this totally feels like a step back.
@bfeinberg: I was actually referencing the extremely catchy music at the beginning of Game of Thrones. Westworld's intro is fine. But that catchy musical piece is something that sticks with you for a long time.
It's not that the visuals are bad or anything, this is quite good actually. It's... weelll... you are NEVER going to top the 'Dun dun DA-DA-DUN-DUN' of that 'other' HBO original about the world's most uncomfortable chair.
Tanares' comments