@TimmyDKJR: What I find fun is his hatred fuels more articles being posted. It's like that old anti drug commercial from the 80s, do more coke to work harder to earn more to do more coke to work harder to earn more to do more coke...
Only it's post hate to get more articles so I can post hate to get more articles so I can post hate to get more articles so I can post hate to get more articles so I can post hate... meh.
@suicidesn0wman: They still have those. There was also a thing that turned your respawn in the crucible into a swarm of bats. Both of which are in this year's event.
This game is going to suck. Yes, a lot of people tried it because its fucking STAR WARS, but being curious does not equal being successful! All this is is number hype for stupid people with low impulse control to schill out more coin.
Tanares' comments